Cultural Education Centre Manual
Green Book
Cultural Education Centre
Kennedy House Complex
Aligarh Muslim University
- The CEC office Bearers and their Hierarchies
The Appointment of the Coordinator; Cultural Education Centre: He/she must poses following qualities;
(1:A:1) | He/she shall be appointed by the Vice Chancellor amongst the Senior Faculty, (not below the rank of Associate Professor) for an initial period of three years, and could be extended to another term/period/year(s) depending upon the performance of the selected coordinator. The selection criterion, for the coordinator CEC shall be as follows:- |
(1:A:2) | Priority shall be given to a person who has an association with the CEC or the then General Education Centre, in the past as (a) President/Secretary/student convener of any of the clubs of CEC (b) Active involvement (as a member core committee of any of the clubs, and has to furnished evidences if required) in student days. So he/she has been well versed with the working and functioning of this institution. |
(1:A: 3) | In case of newly appointed faculty who has not associated to AMU, then his/ her past association/participation and interest with the performing art must be taken in to consideration |
(1:A: 4) | The probable candidate must have interest, expertise, in any of at least two disciplines of CEC i.e. Music + Literature, Film + Dramatics, Literature + Communication Skills, Aesthetics + Ecology and so on. |
(1:A: 5) | He/she must not have any biased notion against any form or discipline existed in CEC. i.e. Western/Fusion Music, Arts, Films, Dramatics etc. |
(1:A: 6) | He/she must not hold any other assignment in the corporate life of AMU, i.e. Provost, Proctor, DSW, MIC etc. After the appointment as coordinator CEC he/she has to resign from his/her earlier assignment. |
(1:A: 7) | He/she must have dedication and zeal to promote Art & Culture among the students in AMU, with innovative and fresh ideas and enthusiasm. |
(1:A:8) | The Vice Chancellor may appoint a search team to identify the suitable person for the post of coordinator or could consult out going coordinator or some ex-coordinator to extend their support in the search for the coordinator. |
(1:B: 1) | Once identified the person(s) may be called by the Vice Chancellor for one to one meeting and obtaining his/her written consent. The outgoing coordinator may submit his/her resignation/Completion of Term Report (CTR) along with the team of Presidents/Mentors to the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor will declare the name of the newly appointed Coordinator CEC through a wide circular, signed by the Registrar of AMU. |
(1:B: 2) | Hand-over take-over formalities between out-going and incoming coordinators shall be done within seven working days from the date of announcement of new coordinator. |
(1:B: 3) | The out-going coordinator shall give charge but in case of any mishap / misdeed / suspension / abscond the charge shall be given by the acting coordinator or registrar or Vice Chancellor’s nominee to the incoming coordinator. |
(1:B: 4) | After the handing-takeover charge, the incoming Coordinator shall be introduced to all the staff (instructors) supporting staff by the outgoing coordinator or in-charge of the ceremony. The newly appointed coordinator shall be given the list of properties, facilities, fund/amount present in the CEC coffer & budgetary allocution (given by CEC account in-charge), infrastructure, equipment, books, records, store status, pending bills/assignments, telephone numbers & address of supporting staff, keys of the coordinators office, Elmira, cabinet, passwords of office computer, CEC operating internet account of coordinator (given by office in-charge).The newly appointed coordinators shall be given thorough round of the campus assessment of in-hand facilities and infrastructure. The account in-charge shall obtained official signature of the coordinator to be sent to the banks and other destination. If willing the whole bunch of keys of CEC including Kennedy Auditorium shall be send to his/her residence or Central Key Treasury. |
- Duties of Coordinator
Coordinators ‘Duty is
(2A: 1) | First duty is to coordinate programs, events, functions, festivals etc. of different clubs of CEC, and also other functions of the university whenever he/she has been assigned for. |
(2A: 2) | To promote intra disciplinary and coordinated activities amongst the different cultural clubs i.e. Broadway theater (Music + Drama), Lit Music (Literature +Music) etc. |
(2A: 3) | To encourage and support cultural activities and maximum engagement of students and utilization of their time, talent and treasure for creative and optimum use. |
(2A: 4) | To arrange/allocate funds from the budgetary allocation/student’s head of CEC or get special sanction of the grant for buying & purchase of equipment, furniture etc. or to organize/promote events, competitions, workshops, festivals, tours, exhibitions, programs etc of different clubs CEC. |
(2A: 5) | To encourage out-reach cultural activities by sending teams, experts, by conducting/supervising competitions, workshops within the campus and outside university. |
(2A: 6) | In case of the absence/sudden disappearance of any President may act as acting president of that club or request any of the presidents of clubs to take additional charge of that club for a short span of time, but the coordinator CEC shall not hold the post of the President of any club on permanent basis in order to give fare deal to all the clubs. |
(2A: 7) | However the coordinator could extend or offer his/her services, to any cultural discipline of which he/she possesses expertise or was invited for. |
(2A: 8) | As an administrator/in-charge of whole buildings of Kennedy House Complex the Coordinator CEC shall be responsible for the repair, upkeep and maintenance of this property. Whenever required the coordinator shall report to the concerned department and ensure that correction shall be done at par with the prescribed standard. |
(2A: 9) | To ensure discipline and peace in the CEC campus, he/she shall coordinate/cooperate with the Proctorial staff and vigilance team at CEC. |
(2A:10) | The coordinator shall keep control over the booking of the facilities at Kennedy House Complex i.e. Kennedy Auditorium, Lecture Theater, Lawns, etc. He/she has to coordinate, rearrange programs/dates to accommodate cultural as well as academic activities i.e. seminars, conferences of different departments in the Kennedy House and/or on other venues if his /her services would be required. |
(2A: 11) | He/She will be responsible to inform and get permission from the competent authority on the visiting guests/dignitaries schedule to visit Kennedy House with dates and nature of the program scheduled in any one of the venues mentioned above. In case of rejection from the competent authority, the same shall be communicated to the applicant in writing. |
(2A: 12) | With the help of supporting staff, the coordinator has to look after the arrangements of all the university functions by providing them desired technical support i.e designing, decoration, aesthetical implications, sound, light arrangements, sitting arrangements, publicity, venue guidance, distribution etc. |
(2A: 13) | The coordinator shall be the deposit/disburse authority of CEC funds, revolving fund etc, and also submit annual accounts to internal as well as central audit. |
(2A: 14) | As an administrative officer of CEC, the Coordinator has to represent CEC in all the meetings and boards. |
(2A: 15) | Although this is an ancillary assignment but presence of a coordinator in the office shall be desired/expected on every working day or even on holidays if required i.e at least an hour/day. |
(2A: 16) | The Coordinator shall be solely responsible to select his/team of Presidents, Mentors, members of advisory boards etc. He/she shall send their names, assignments (as president or mentor of the club), and department from where they belong to, to the competent authority for the approval. |
(2A: 17) | The coordinator is the final authority to take decisions on behalf of the Board of Presidents and CEC, and to obey, communicate and execute the orders of the competent authority to the fullest. |
(2A: 18) | At the end of every academic session, the coordinator shall compile and submit the annual report of CEC and a brief of its achievements to the competent authority. |
(2A: 19) | The Coordinator CEC shall be answerable for any debility in the cultural activity graph, or any misdeed in the funds, space or infrastructure of CEC. |
(2A: 20) | The coordinator CEC is authorized to depute CEC staff, to decide on their duty chart, assignments etc, issuing of show cause notices, certificates, testimonial etc. |
(2A: 21) | The coordinator CEC is authorized to call a meeting of the Board of Presidents (BOP) (with at least 50% representation of clubs through Presidents or Mentors), Panel of Secretaries (With at least 70 % representation of clubs through Secretaries/ Student Conveners) Advisory Board, Alumni Affair Committee CEC of various cultural clubs as and when needed/desire to review the progress, activity calendar etc or to take some important decisions. The minutes of that meeting(s) shall be sent to the competent authority for approval. |
(2A: 22) | In some exceptional cases the coordinator CEC shall possess an authority to recommend/suggest expulsion/removal of President/ Mentor/Secretary/ Student Convener of a club from his/her post to the competent authority. However, in the first instance the coordinator shall issue a show-cause notice to the person(s) concern, or constitute a inquiry committee to assess the gravity of misdemeanor or complaint(s) and after getting written replay or inquiry report, if not satisfied, then he/she shall send the recommendation of removal from the post to the competent authority. The same procedure shall be followed in case of removal of Secretary/ Student Convener of clubs. This procedure shall not be applicable in case of some gross offences i.e severe physical, mental torcher/trauma, sexual harassment/ assault, cheating, misuse or severe damage to the property, dignity of a person or reputation of university etc. wherein the immediate removal from the post shall be recommended to the competent authority. |
(2A: 23) | The coordinator shall constitute a CEC Advisory Board (CECAB) comprising of experts from performing arts, literature, and technical support team of Sound, Lights, Architecture, Engineers, Innovators, and Photography, Films etc (preferably alumni) to take advice and valuable suggestion as and when required. While appointing coordinator CEC the competent authority shall seek CECAB’s advice & help to identify the suitable person for the post. The coordinator shall authorize to invite some special experts in the CECAB meeting if their expertise is required or so. |
(2A: 24) | Similarly the coordinator shall be expected to attract donors to invest for the development of infrastructure and assets for the benefit of CEC and larger interest of students and the institution i.e. AMU. For that purpose the coordinator shall design, organized fund raising campaign with the help of Alumni of CEC/AMU and other organizations working in the field of cultural promotion etc. |
(2A: 25) | The coordinator shall look after the communication and contacts with Cultural Coordinators of other institutions for better exposure of the student members through cultural exchange programs i.e invited lectures, sponsored workshops, crash courses and summer camps etc. |
(2A: 26) | The coordinator shall look after the PR/Press/Media segment of CEC for proper news and updated press releases to be send to Public Relation Office of AMU or presented in the press conference and updates information on Web sites. (a1) The Coordinator with the consultation of Presidents and Secretaries of various clubs shall constitute teams of students to participate in different festivals/ competitions in Aligarh or any other cities/places/institutions etc. He/she shall ensure their safe and comfortable journey by arranging proper travel plans, vehicles, journey tickets, reservations, teacher escorts (at least one lady teacher to escort girl participants), food and stay allowances etc. |
(2B: 1) | As a Cultural coordinator his/her services shall be sought after by other organization i.e. Halls of Residence, Departments, colleges etc to organize inter hall or inter university programs at their levels. |
(2B: 2) | The coordinator of CEC shall work towards a goal to promote CEC as a “Brand” in all hemispheres of Art & Culture in National as well as International levels. |
Program Director cum Auditorium In-charge:
I:1) | Appointed through the general selection committee AMU(non-teaching, technical category). Must have qualification Diploma from NSD, FTII Pune and experience of auditorium management etc. A Permanent Post as name suggest the Program Director’s job is |
- To act de facto administrator of CEC, as coordinator may not be available all the time due to his/her primary engagements in the academics.
- To cater all the administrative & creative needs of CEC and Kennedy House in general.
- To supervise program setup and arrangements in an innovative aesthetically appealing manner.
- To coordinate activities of CEC as well as other university programs i.e. Seminars, Conferences, lectures, workshops, Memorial Day programs, exhibitions, Student Union’s program etc.
- The Program Director must present and personally supervise all the events and ensure smooth functioning of the events.
- As an in-charge of the Auditorium (Kennedy Hall) and other venues situated within Kennedy House Complex and of Strachey Hall, the assignment of Program Director also includes up-keep, repair & maintenance, security and up-gradation of the said venues and their equipment.
- To ensure that the maintenance manual is properly followed.
- As a qualified theater and film instructor the Program Director shall also expect to look after the Drama Club and Film club’s activities, training of their members and arrange their workshops, as these clubs don’t have any instructor or trained teaching faculty to look after them.
- To place orders of hiring tentage material etc. to the suppliers.
- To depute adequate staff during the events to facilitate smooth functioning.
- To receive guests and dignitaries and ensure their comfortable sojourn in the Kennedy House Complex.
- To maintain a yearly calendar of activities and bookings of different venues.
- To inform the competent authorities regarding the visiting guests, their schedules of visits, their profiles.
- To confirm the booking of Kennedy House Venues to the applicants through a communication.
- To send communication to all the concerned departments i.e. Electricity, Conservancy, Land & Garden, Central Purchase Office, Proctor’s office, Theology, Nazim Deeniyat, Vice-Chancellor & Pro-Vice-Chancellors secretariat etc. for the adequate supply and arrangements during every event in the Kennedy House.
- To maintain guest, event ledgers and visitors books.
- The Program Director shall be the CPO of CEC for all the RTI matters.
- The Program Director shall be the official escorts of CEC teams participating in different festivals/ competitions outside the AMU campus.
- To prepare annual report of CEC
- To obey the order of the competent authorities.
- He/she should be ready with the contingency plan of every big event, with standby arrangements etc.
- The Program Director shall be responsible to personally inspect Auditorium or other venues after every overcrowded program, and with the help of carpenters and other staff try to ascertain damage and immediately get them repaired, and inform about the incidence/damage in writing to the coordinator.
- To ensure the opening and closing timing of CEC will be followed accordingly and the keys should be kept in the office and should not be given to students or club functionaries except for a few occasions and emergencies. If the student or club functionary has lost the key of the club room, the person has to pay the amount of locks or have to submit a new lock with three keys.
- The Art Installation and other creative work related to online and offline publicity, and training of students, where instructors not available directly come into his ambit.
- If the PD notices any damage to the equipment/item he/she issued, he/she has to inform/report to the competent authority about the impairment and the damage.
- The PD shall be responsible for the annual audit and physical verification of all the equipment/furniture and other items related to the Kennedy Auditorium.
3:Presidents of the clubs:
(3A: 1) | The Coordinator CEC shall appoint the President of Cultural Club, for the period of initially for two years, which may be extended to further term/years by the competent authority. |
(3A: 2) | In the selection of the President of a CEC club few important element should be taken in to consideration |
(3A: 2a) | Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor who has good knowledge, experience or expertise in that particular discipline. |
(3A: 2b) | or has an effective association in the past as secretary/student convener, organizing secretary of program/event in that club or served as president in the past. |
(3A: 2c) | or served in student’s domain for quite some time i.e. warden, assistant proctor, president in games committee, assistant DSW etc, or as a student worked in NSS, NCC, Students’ Union (as cabinet, Secretary, President) |
(3A: 2d) | or brought laurels related to any of the disciplines of CEC. |
(3A: 2e) | should possess plenty of aptitude and enthusiasm to promote student centric activities in the club. |
(3A: 2f) | Ready to invest time, talent and energy for these creative pursuits of club members. |
(3B: 1) | The list of the president approved by the competent authority and widely circulated in the university, shall be sent to the selected president by the coordinator, along with a request letter to join the team. |
(3B: 2) | The newly appointed president shall submit his/her joining letter to the coordinator (sample attached Annexure…) in a set format with an oath to serve it to his/her fullest. Then he/she shall be given a tour of CEC in general and respective club in particular. The president shall be introduced to the supporting staff of CEC, dealing assistant of the club, secretary/students’ convener etc. The dealing assistant and office head also escort him/her for physical verification and are given charge of all the assets/equipment/furniture/books etc. He/she shall be given access/password of software or portal (if any) of the club. |
(3B: 3) | The President of the club shall attend club activities on “weekly twice” basis in Lean Activity Period and on daily basis during the preparatory phases of all the Macro and Micro Programs. This shall be mandatory. |
(3B: 4) The job of President of a club is
(3B: 4a) | To initiate different activities of his club, through imbuing motivation, enthusiasm, proper encouragement and creative and innovative ideas in the members of the club. |
(3B: 4b) | To identify hidden talents, with the help of the Secretary of the club among the members. |
(3B: 4c) | To inculcate creativity and channelize their abilities for a better positive change in their personality. |
(3B: 4d) | To supervise their activities, and train them to own responsibility and do the job in a befitting manner. |
(3B: 4e) | To check and correct contents of their program for omission (if any) of obscene, un-parliamentary language, corrosive remarks, undignified gestures etc. |
(3B: 4f) | To maintain discipline and cordial atmosphere in the club. |
(3B: 4g) | To ensure that equal opportunities shall be given to the members to practice, perform in the club, and to discard discrimination among the members in the club/ events/programs etc. |
(3B: 4h) | To look after the maintenance and procurement of equipment and their proper upkeep in the club. |
(3B: 4i) | To manage time slots, opening and closing time of a club according to the requirement and demand of club members. |
(3B: 4j) | \To ensure proper utilization of funds through stakeout on purchase/procurement of materials during the club events/club meetings/program etc. |
(3B: 4k) | To appoint student convener/organizers in the club events with consultation of the club secretary and senior members. |
(3B: 4l) | To check and finalize the contents of print, publicity materials, video, web content etc. |
(3B: 4m) | To arrange experts/workshops/training sessions for the benefits of club members. |
(3B: 4n) | To conduct auditions/tests etc. to finalize the team[s] for the local as well as outside events/competitions etc. |
(3B: 4o) | To look after the travel itinerary and other arrangements of teams visiting other places. |
(3B: 4p) | To verify and put a counter signature on Bills (purchase), Vouchers, proposals, certificates and other documents, information (including RTI) related to club activities and on and when a forwarding authorities’ counter signature shall be needed. |
(3B: 4q) | To help in designing the annual activity calendar of the club. |
(3B: 4r) | To represent club/CEC when needed or requested/deputed by the coordinator or the competent authority. |
(3B: 4s) | To take stock of upcoming events, competitions, availability of books, digital materials, records, experts, through contacts, web alerts, net surfing and so on. |
(3B: 4t) | To arrange or hire items for the club events/activities. |
(3B: 4u) | To regularly check inputs, complaints and suggestions collected in a drop box of the club. |
(3B: 4v) | To maintain interiors, furniture, paints in a tasteful manner. |
(3B: 4w) | To organize the intro session of new arrival and midterm session and valedictory session of the club. |
(3B: 4x) | To arrange experts and conduct nomination trials for the admissions. |
(3B: 4y) | To keep close vigil and attendance/participation of the candidates enrolled through nomination, that they should full fill the cause for which they are nominated in outstanding talent category, and also to keep vigil on the attendance and participation of club members as well as Secretary/students’ convener. In case of any discrepancy he/she shall report this matter to the Coordinator or Discipline Committee. |
(3B: 4z) | To submit a final chart of expenditure to account in-charge, and complete achievements and activity report of the session to coordinator of CEC. |
The Club Mentor:
C:1) | The Club Mentor: A senior faculty (Senior than President of the club in standing in the University), or in exceptional cases retired faculty member may be engaged to do a job of mentor of the club. He/she must have experience and interest in the related field.
Note: The post of Mentor is not mandatory, however it is better to appoint experienced and senior faculty/experts for better training and guidance of the club members. |
C:2) | He/she shall be selected by the coordinator for the term of two year or extended to further term/years. The name(s) of the nominated mentors shall be send to the competent authority along with the list of presidents or on a separate note sheet or in digital format through email/internet for the approval. The mentor is expected to visit at least once in a week to his / her club, and on non-availability of the club president thrice in a week. |
C:3) The Mentors job is
- To invent and suggest in-house activities of the club to the President and the secretary of the club.
- b)To act as a catalyst/advisor in all club activities, events, program, workshops, festivals, competitions etc, or extend his/her expertise whenever required or requested for.
- In absence of the President, the mentor shall routinely become facilitator of the club, for which the mentor does not need formal authority letters to look after the day to day working of the club. However in some cases if the President authorized some other President as his/her substitute in-absentia, the Mentor shall not interfere in the club’s functioning.
- The Mentor shall keep vigil on the development and the opportunities in the related field, and communicate it for the advantage of the students.
- The Mentor of the club shall tap his/her contacts for the placements/training of the club members. He/she shall act as TPO of the club.
- To represent the club in the meetings/discussion or whenever he/she shall be called/requested for.
- The Mentor of the club (working faculty) may be requested to act as acting Coordinator of CEC by the Coordinator or the competent authority.
- To assist/advise the president in all aspect including print/digital material, web posting etc.
- Mentor shall prepare contingency plans for every event with consultation of the president, and the secretary/student convener, secretary general of the coordination committee.
C:4) | The Secretary of the Club: Selected among the bonafide students on the recommendation of Selection Board of CEC for one academic session. The Secretary shall be expected to visit the club on a daily basis, including holidays if required. Except during the period of his/her academic engagement examinations etc. |
C:5) The Secretary is appointed/selected
- To create a conducive environment in the club for the creative pursuits of the club members.
- To act as a frontrunner and representative of the club members in all aspects, and help them to identify/demonstrate their hidden talent.
- To manage time slots and equal opportunities to the club members with an impartial and systematic approach.
- To create hassle free, tussle free informal environment of openness in such a way that club’s discipline does not impede in any means.
- To help in designing the activity calendar with the president by organizing an open discussion with the club members on the abilities, availability of them i.e. exam schedules, holidays, time they can easily devote etc.
- To chalk out modalities, requirements of the event, submit them to the President, and then pursue their official progress for the approval.
- To constitute a team of volunteers/organizers for every event and get their names for approval from the competent authority, so they get their due recognition, certificate, attendance etc.
- To take feedback from the club members regarding their problems and shall try to sort out with the club President/Mentor or for that matter with the Coordinator CEC.
- Toobey and execute orders of the President/mentor, Coordinator.
- To make cordial relations with the secretaries of other clubs and extend cooperation and joint ventures when ever required.
- To represent his/her club in the meeting with a dignified manner.
- To take stock of the present scenario in the related field by making contacts with the cultural secretaries of other institutions/organizations.
- To communicate the schedules to concerned members/invites through email / Whatsapp / Facebook/invites etc.
- To organize meetings of different forums from time to time and communicate output plans/requirements to the competent authority. i.e. President, Mentor Coordinator.
- To submit booking entries of Auditorium, Rehearsal Hall, Prep Room, Library, Lounge, Café, lawns, stage, class rooms, accommodation etc. (at least one week in advance) to the dealing assistance and confirm their booking.
- To check yearly activity calendar should be followed efficiently all through the session, and shall supervise rehearsals and other preparations of the club.
- To filter out “bad sectors” amongst the club members, who hampered the club functioning, and keep their involvement to minimum and put them to fragmentation
- To keep vigil on illegal entry of non-students, non members in the club, and report their invasion to the President, Coordinator etc.
- To ensure the well-being and safety of club members from any physical, mental ordeal during their stay in the club. And also ensure the protection upkeep of instruments, equipment, and furniture in the custody of the club or CEC in general.
- To organize membership drives with pleasant and innovative methods.
- To arrange a screening test/interview for the new entrants.
- To organize outreach activity programs in AMU and outside the campus.
- To look after the publicity, print, web posting Facebook contents by proper proof reading and taking approval of their designing development and placements from President/Mentor Coordinator etc.
- To prepare purchase inventory and submit proper receipts as per the purchase norms of the university by putting signatures for verification.
- To prepare, submit the list of certificate awardees, annual club report through the President/ Mentor to the coordinator, and distribute related materials among the recipients.
The Student Convener:
D:1) | The Student Convener of the Club: Nominated to look after the Club as representative of that club for one academic session. The Student Convener of the Club shall be expected to visit the club on a daily basis, including holidays if required. Except during the period of his/her academic engagement examinations etc. |
D:2) | The Student Convener of the club; Shall be nominated from the list of claimants for the Secretary ship of that club or shall be nominated amongst the senior members with the mutual consent of the club members or in case of dispute among them the Student Convener could be selected through secret ballot paper. In this case voters shall be the regular members of that particular club. The Student Convener shall be nominated if: |
- The Selection Board while selecting the secretary found no candidate suitable for the post of secretary. They can nominate best among them as Student Convener of the club.
- or could call deserving candidates (not from the list of applicants) to serve as Student Convener.
- When the club secretary is not able to attend the club for more than a month, or left midway of the session due to health ground, studies, appointment, completion of studies, legal tangle, suspension (from university, CEC) or death etc
- When any club has come up with a very active Forum/Section, which would not be managed by a single secretary then Selection Board on the request of Presidents/ Instructors/Mentors shall choose and nominate suitable candidates on above said norms sited in clause. (D:2) (i) (iii).
- If any club simultaneously organizes two mega events/festivals/ competitions or within a very short span of time the Student Convener may be appointed to facilitate smooth functioning of the events. In that case no other organizing secretary shall be appointed for that event
- If BOMAP has decided or competent authority desires to extend CEC’s domain to the campuses away from Kennedy House i.e Halls of Residence for Girls, a Student Convener may be appointed for that place.
D:3) The nomination of Student Convener of the club is
- To look after the club activities on a regular basis.
- To create a conducive environment in the club for the creative pursuits of the club members by developing core groups amongst the members.
- To identify their hidden talent and pass on to the President of the club for giving them better opportunities to perform.
- To manage time slots and equal opportunities to the club members with an impartial and systematic approach.
- To help in designing the activity calendar with the president by organizing an open discussion with the club members on the abilities, availability of them i.e exam schedules, holidays, time they can easily devote etc.
- To constitute a team of volunteers/organizers for every event and get their name for approval from the competent authority (president /Coordinator), so they get their due recognition, certificate, attendance etc.
- To take feedback from the club members regarding their problems and communicate to the President of the club.
- To take stock of any volatile situation, act promptly to defuse the situation which arises due to some wrangle among the club members.
- To make cordial relations with the secretaries of other clubs and extend cooperation and joint ventures when ever required.
- To represent his/her club in the meetings in dignified manners.
- To communicate the schedules to concerned members/invites through email / Whatsapp / Facebook/invites etc.
- To submit booking entreaties of Auditorium, Rehearsal Hall, lawns, stage, class rooms, accommodation etc (at least one week in advance) to the dealing assistance and confirm their booking.
- To be certain that yearly activity calendar is followed efficiently all through the session., and also supervise rehearsals and other preparations within the club.
- To filter out “bad apples” amongst the club members, who hamper the club functioning, and keep their involvement to minimum.
- To keep vigil on illegal entry of non-students, non-members in the club, and report their invasion to the President, Coordinator etc.
- To ensure the well-being and safety of club members from any physical, mental ordeal during their stay in the club. And also ensure the protection upkeep of instruments, equipment, and furniture in the custody of the club or CEC in general.
- To organize membership drives with pleasant and innovative methods.
- To arrange a screening test/interview for the new entrants.
- To organize outreach activity programs in AMU and outside the campus.
- To look after the publicity, print, display, web posting Facebook contents by proper proof reading and taking approval of their designing development and placements from President/Mentor/Coordinator etc.
- To prepare purchase inventory and submit proper receipts as per the purchase norms of the university by putting signatures for verification.
- To prepare, submit the list of certificate awardees, annual club report through the President/ Mentor to the coordinator, and distribute related materials among the recipients.
- To follow the instructions, given to him/her by the secretary, president, mentor of the club or by the coordinator CEC.
- In case of sub-charge (Secretary of the club also present), the convener shall obey and execute the plan in consultation with the secretary of the club and also report the activities of the section/Centre to him/her on a weekly basis.
General Secretary Public Relations:
E:1) A student of AMU. The appointment shall be for one academic session through the Selection Board’s recommendation. A research scholar may be appointed to this post. Shall have good knowledge and experience (published articles) in, journalistic writing, features, criticism, web contents in English, Hindi, and Urdu. The General Secretary PR appointed has
- a)To compile press updates, press releases, and web postings of different clubs of CEC.
- b)To send these materials to the Public Relation Office.
- c)To make contacts with the local and national media for Media up-date and reply to their queries.
- d)To look after the publicity of every event on the internet as well as on print, poster, hoardings, display materials or other forms.
- e)To make contact with experts and fellow students of other institutions.
- f)To make arrangements for a tour of university campus for the visiting artists, guests etc.
- g)To compile the annual report of CEC.
- h)To make a list of all the invitees of every event, and also finalized cards & invites and ensure their proper dispatch, delivery by hand, by post or through e-mails etc.
General Secretary/Student Convener: PR (Web & Media):
F:1) | A student of AMU. The appointment shall be for one academic session through the Selection Board’s recommendation. A research scholar may be appointed to this post. Shall have good knowledge and experience in web and social media, content writing and posting. The General Secretary PR appointed has:
- To compile and do web postings of different clubs of CEC.
- To maintain web updates on a regular basis.
- To make contacts with the local and national media for Media up-date and reply to their queries.
- To look after the publicity of every event on the Internet.
- To upload contents on the CEC Website and different pages of Cultural Clubs.
- Send messages through bulk messaging portals/emails to club members/officials/invites etc.
- To replay the queries pouring on Websites or social media.
- To maintain a record of all the activities on the internet regarding the activities of CEC.
General Secretary Coordination Committee:
G:1) | A student of this university , appointed through the selection committee of CEC or nominated by the Coordinator in consultation with the Presidents and other functionaries. Must be attached to CEC for more than three years in the core group of the club(s). He/she must have experience of organizing at least three different Macro or Annual festivals/events of the club.
G:2) | General Secretary Coordination Committee shall be appointed:
a) To assemble numbers of volunteers from each club to facilitate all major events in the Kennedy House, within the campus and outside the campus. b) To train coordination teams of volunteers in different realms i.e. gate management, ushering the guest, stage management, VIP enclosure managements, program anchring etc. c) The GSCC shall coordinate with the club secretaries/organizers to cater their needs and requirements regarding the allocation of volunteers and other arrangements for their events. d) To be present and personally command his/her brigade of volunteers in all the mega events. e) To depute different volunteers according to pre decided plans, distribute volunteer badges I.D cards etc to them. f) To ensure each and every volunteer’s presence on his/her territory/place. g) To make a list of all the volunteers and issue certificates to them as an acknowledgment to their services as volunteers. h) The GSCC shall ensure the smooth and on time transport of volunteers, audiences, girls, school students, material etc. from distance locations to the venue of the program, through instituting an effective coordination & communication between, the permitting authorities, CAW, transport offices, Principals of schools, wardens, drivers etc and also ensure safe return to their designated places. i) He/she shall make a contingency plan ready to engage/entertain audiences in case of delay in the event/program, so that the crowd would not become restless due to the delay. j) He/she shall ensure that the seats en-marked for the dignitaries, guests, students, press, VIPs shall be kept vacant and also extend prompt assistance to the designated person to reach the spot reserved for him/her.
General Secretary Grievance & Proctorial Assistance (GAP):
H:1) | A student of this university , appointed through the selection committee of CEC or nominated by the Coordinator in consultation with the Presidents and other functionaries.. Must be attached to CEC for more than three years in the core group of the club(s) or in some exceptional cases, an Ex Secretary may be appointed to the said post. He/she must have a record of good communication with the club members of different clubs.
H:2) | General Secretary Students’ Grievance & Proctorial Assistance shall be appointed
a. To check favoritism, partialities, any sort of biases and manipulation, done against club member(s) by the post holders/ instructors/ office staff etc. b. He/she shall have access to the complaint received through the Complaint Box or by post emails, SMS or social media. c. He/she has to report it first to the Club Authorities President/Mentor/ Coordinator, and after initial investigation if he/she finds substance in the complaint then. d. He/she shall proceed to sort out the problem through discussion with aggrieved persons and the offender(s) by opening up channels of communication, pursuance, negotiation, and finally report the outcome to the competent authorities of CEC. e. He/she shall keep secret the identity of complainers to avoid further conflicts. f. He/she may appoint his deputies among the members to get information and inside functioning of the clubs. g. He/she shall not either impose himself/herself as an authority or interfere in the functioning of any club. h. He/she shall communicate any matter to the Proctor or Vice Chancellor through the Coordinator of CEC. i. He/She has to act as a bridge between Proctors’ office and CEC. j. All the permission and information shall be routed to Proctor’s office through coordinator by the General Secretary GAP.
Music Instructor
J:1) | Permanent Employee of university with a degree in music and experience in teaching music and public performances (solo and along with some known artists) as desirable qualification. |
J:2) | The appointment of the music instructor[s] is
a. To inspire, motivate, enroll and trained students in to the music of their genre i.e. Light Vocal, Classical Vocal, Tabla, Sitar, Guitar and other instruments and also vocals of different regions and genres. b. To give them a chance to practice the art with optimum use of their talent and time spent in the music sessions. c. To motivate students to learn basic and important nuances of music with deep understanding and appreciation of all sorts of music. d. To impart music learning in such a fascinating and innovative way that a reluctant learner could find solace and interest in the art e. For making learning and teaching a captivating and encouraging experience a music instructor shall have to chalk out a definite schedule to stage public performances of their disciples (Solo performances). i.e. Weekly Micro performances and Monthly Macro concerts shall be organized in CEC and other sites. f. To prepare different productions/songs/Tarana/traditional/folk music performances to be present on special occasions. g. To guide and prepare a club team participating in the competitions. h. To extend support to other club’s events with correct inputs regarding music. i. To record the best performances of their music section/club in digital format and preserve it for Music Library. j. To hold workshops with some renowned experts for the benefit of students. k. To take an eye on the attendance of members, and enquire about his/her losing interest if he/she did not turn up for long. l. To discard obsession about some genre or favorite style, the music instructors shall have to adopt flexibility in imparting music, by trying hands on different styles and as requested by the members. m. To make arrangements for the repair and up-gradation of music instruments. n. To help in the selection, testing and the purchase of new instruments. o. To arrange Listening Sessions of some legendary artists/performers for the better understanding and appreciation of music. p. To succeed for the selection and download of music tutorials and great performances, to be present during listening sessions and for other presentations. q. To help library staff in the selections of books, music albums etc. r. To cooperate and actively participate in the selection panel during the selection trials for the nomination category, secretaryship, membership interviews, audition for different competitions etc. s. To report misdeed, if found to the President, Secretary of the club. t. To help members during judgment in the competition/events. u. To have good sagacity to recognize raw talent and pursue them to join the club. v. To escort the team of the club in their official outing inside and outside the campus. w. To extend support in the outreach activities of CEC and the university by organizing awareness/appreciation campaigns. x. To play perfect host by organizing cultural/musical evenings for the visiting guest dignitaries in the university. y. To maintain gender equality in the club. z. To assist in the preparation of an annual activity calendar in the beginning and annual report at the end of a session. |
Instructor (other discipline)
K:1) | Permanent Employee of university with a degree and experience in teaching of related field public performances/exhibition (solo and along with some known artists) as desirable qualification.
K:2) | The appointment of the these instructor[s] is
a. To inspire, motivate, enroll and trained students in the related discipline i.e. UDLC, CSEC, UHWC, UFAC, UDC, UFC, UEC, UWMC, UFMC, UHMC etc. b. To give them a chance to practice the art with optimum use of their talent and time spent in the music/arts etc sessions. c. To motivate students to learn basic and important nuances of the art and craft with deep understanding and appreciation of the subject. d. To impart teaching and learning in such a fascinating and innovative way that a reluctant learner could find solace and interest in the art. e. For making learning and teaching a captivating and encouraging experience a instructor shall have to chalk out a definite schedule to stage public performances of their disciples (Solo performances). i.e. Weekly Micro performances and Monthly Macro appearances/exhibits shall be organized in CEC and other sites. f. To prepare different productions to be present on special occasions. g. To guide and prepare a club team participating in the competitions. h. To extend support to other club’s events with correct inputs regarding their discipline. i. To record the best performances of their section/club in digital format and preserve it for CEC Library. j. To hold workshops with some renowned experts for the benefit of students. k. To take an eye on the attendance of members, and enquire about his/her losing interest if he/she did not turn up for long. l. To discard obsession about some genre or favorite style, the instructors shall have to adopt flexibility in imparting knowledge/art, by trying hands on different styles and as requested by the members. m. To make arrangements for the repair and up-gradation of instruments. n. To help in the selection, testing and purchase of new instruments. o. To arrange Listening Sessions/PPT/Films etc of some legendary artists for the better understanding and appreciation of the virtuosity p. To succeed for the selection and download of material tutorials and great performances, to be present during AV sessions and for other presentations. q. To help library staff in the selections of books, and other supporting material etc. r. To cooperate and actively participate in the selection panel during the selection trials for the nomination category, secretaryship, membership interviews, audition for different competitions etc. s. To report misdeed, if found to the President, Secretary of the club. t. To help members during judgment in the competition/events. u. To have good sagacity to recognize raw talent and pursue them to join the club. v. To escort the team of the club in their official outing inside and outside the campus. w. To extend support in the outreach activities of CEC and the university by organizing awareness/appreciation campaigns. x. To play perfect host by organizing cultural evenings, art shows, exhibitions etc. for the visiting guest dignitaries in the university. y. To maintain gender equality in the club. z. To assist in the preparation of an annual activity calendar in the beginning and annual report at the end of a session. |
In-charge CEC Accounts
L:1) | A permanent employee of the university having at least three years experience in serving person dealing in the account in the student’s domain, shall be appointed to this post. The job of the in-charge account in CEC is to
a. Follow the Norms of Account/Finance laid by the University. b. To check and make a tab on, loose ends, over expenses etc. c. To regularly check the balance sheet of funds and their availability. d. To prepare budgetary provisions clear to officials. e. To make payments on prescribed methods of university. f. To arrange for advance if required. g. To finalize a draft of proposals and send them for approval. h. To depute some person to pursue the matter. i. To submit a cheque / draft to the banks for encashment. j. To keep proper records of account/grants / borrow/expenditures etc in separate ledgers k. To rectify and send for corrections if found discrepancy or missed out entries in the vouchers/receipts submitted to him. l. To arrange purchase committees/tenders etc. m. To submit an amount/collection or grant to the respective sections within six working days. n. To avoid overdraft by keeping close vigil on the expenditures. o. To utilize all the grant in a just manner and to avoid lapses, the in-charge shall inform way in advance to the coordinator and other person concerned about the current position of the grant available and the date after which it may deem to be treated as lapse. p. The duty of an in-charge account is to inform the authority regarding the authenticity of any document related to account and other financial matters, because they may not be aware of the rules and regulations of accounts and finance as such. q. To prepare and submit the accounts for internal and external audit in the university. r. To provide information regarding the account and finance to the competent authority whenever they are required.
Dealing Assistant of Clubs
M:1) | A clerical post (permanent or on daily wages) the job assigned to the Dealing Assistant of a Club is:
a. To assist in all aspects the Coordinator, Program Director, Presidents, Mentors, Student conveners, Secretaries, Account in-charge, and the members of their respective clubs and CEC officials. b. To help in scrutiny & issue membership forms and maintain their record and accounts. c. To maintain contacts with Person Of Contact of every event i.e PR People, drivers (University buses engaged during the events), wardens during the program d. To facilitate the membership drive and arrangements of membership interviews. e. To make drafts of the documents, type letters in a requisite format and also to send/dispatch intimation letters/posters/invites/call letters and other official letters and keep a copy or reference of the same in a dedicated file. f. To keep and secure proper records of membership in the computer/hard drive/ CDs of every session. g. To take stock of all the equipment, properties, furniture etc. pertaining to the club in a stock register of that club, and report to the President / Coordinator in case of damage or theft etc. h. To ensure activity calendar shall be followed in a smooth manner, by keeping advance account of all the necessities i.e. booking of venue, publicity, invite preparation, proofreading correction, information to proctor’s office, confirmation of guest house accommodation for the guests/teams/resource persons, arrangements of travelling means etc. i. He/she has to personally present till the end of the club’s event. j. The Dealing Assistant shall do all purchase and buying for the club activities and submit all the receipts/vouchers as per the norms of university accounts with his/her verified signature, within a week after the completion of that event to the in-charge accounts of CEC. k. To pursue letters, communications, grant/funds/checks, permissions from their respective offices and ensure their expeditious progression to get them back in time. l. To keep a record of all the Macro, Micro activities of the club with dates, expenditure, participation, photos, videos, awards, prizes won, certificate issued in the hardcover files, soft files in computers and in the software etc. m. To counter sign on the permission to issue certificates etc. to the applicants, after confirming, through club/activity records of his/her participation in the said events. n. To maintain Issue and Receive ledger of equipment, properties, articles etc. of the club to students, organizations etc. o. To keep a check on the opening and closing time of the club. p. To keep and ensure maintenance and repair cleaning of the club on regular basis, and report it to the competent authority and supervise the rectification. q. To issue I.D cards, certificates, brochures, posters, newsletters, magazines etc. to members and keep the proper records of them. r. To source out information whenever required or ask for regarding the club activity, assets, membership etc to the competent authority. s. To prepare a detailed proposal of every event with instruments and material required and ensure their availability, feasibility and procurement within the required time frame with possible negotiation and market survey. t. To submit this properly worked out proposals of event/activity to the competent authorities for approval and expedite process of the procurement and purchase of items and material required u. To provide all assistance during rehearsal, preparation of events i.e. refreshments, food, water supply, opening and closing, cleaning of place etc. v. To book and reserve required venue/ place/hall well in advance to avoid last minute hiccups and end rush. The dealing assistant shall follow the activity calendar and remind the club officials about the dates, schedules, and preparations of the up- coming program w. The dealing assistant shall report to the President and the Coordinator if she/he sense some unlawful activity going on in the club, or misuse or over usage of club’s assets/ equipment etc. x. Shall behave in a polite and welcoming manner with the students, to maintain cordial relations. Moreover it is mandatory for the Dealing Assistant to present all through the program/events of his/her assigned club(s) till the program/rehearsal etc. is over. y. To extend support and helping hand during the over rush and activities of other club. z. To submit and assist in preparation of annual report of the club with the club officials and the Coordinator. |
In-charge Audio Video Section:
N:1) | A qualified degree/diploma holder in Electronic , Sound engineering (non teaching technical) appointed through general selection committee. The work of in-charge A.V section is
a. To cater day-to-day need of club members at CEC, and also in different venues in the university if deputed for. b. To arrange, install, restack Audio, Video facility/equipment, whenever required and requested for. c. To keep the equipment in order with proper maintenance and repairs. d. To ensure their proper up keep and stock. e. To maintain, their stock register and records. f. To maintain Audio Visual archives of CEC i.e. old records, documents, instruments etc. g. To maintain AV library and CEC activity archives in digital format. h. To help the students/members in recording their compositions and its preservation, uploading on websites etc. i. To release and receive the equipment/instruments to the members. j. To report malfunction, misuse or theft of equipment to the coordinator CEC.
Graphic Designer:
O:1) | A trained person with expertise in Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, FCP, Smoke etc. (equal to clerical skill ). The nature of his job is to prepare posters, invites, banners, publicity materials, broachers, catalogue, cards, certificates, PPT presentation, hoardings, backdrop graphics, edit visual, movies, audio files, upload pictures, notices, movies etc. on the websites etc. He shall provide and assist in the work where his expertise shall be required or ask him to do so. |
Projectionist cum sound operator CEC:
O:2) A trained person on the prescribed discipline; His job is :
- To arrange projectors, and install sound equipment for the CEC and other university programs, and also during the rehearsals. After the program properly pack and stock them in their secure places.
- To load and upload sound equipment under proper supervision.
- To follow quarterly maintenance drill of all the equipment in December and annual maintenance drill in June every year.
- To escort CEC team in within campus or other official outing.
- To obey the order of the competent authority.
- To report repair and maintenance requirement to the Program Director and keep a duplicate copy as record in his custody.
- To keep proper vigil and security of sound and light equipment from misuse and damage.
- As an expert in the field his services may be sought during the procurement of sound equipment by other departments of university.
- The Projectionist cum sound operator’s job is to repair and maintain all the instruments/equipment specially the upkeep of antique projectors and archival films are expected in befitting manner.
Electrician (Lighting Technician)
P:1) A technical person with a experience in handling stage lights (manual and intelligent lighting). His assignment is :
- To arrange and install lights equipment for the CEC and other university programs and also during the rehearsals. After the program properly pack and stock them in their secure places.
- To load and upload light equipment under proper supervision.
- To maintain adequate power supply in CEC and during the program.
- To follow quarterly maintenance drill of all the equipment in December and annual maintenance drill in June every year.
- To escort CEC team in within campus or other official outing.
- To obey the order of the competent authority.
- To report repair and maintenance requirement to the Program Director and keep a duplicate copy as record in his custody.
- To keep proper vigil and security of sound and light equipment from misuse and damage.
- As an expert in the field his services may be sought during the procurement of light equipment by other department of university.
Librarian CEC Library:
- Full in-charge of the library
- To maintain Up-Keep of the library
- To maintain Logbook of Library
- To maintain Library Catalogue on manual & digital format
- To issue General, Books, magazine to students & staff
- Create demand for new accession of books, periodical, newspaper etc
- To search and download videos & audio files for students
- To maintain CEC archives in proper manner and also act as host/ guide for the visitors, visiting CEC Library
- Visit time to time to the central library for further knowledge and upkeep of books and other articles
- Guide students for their search if required on computer or in Library stacks
- Disposal of old & rejected newspapers and other weeding out procedure
Library Attendant:
For cleaning and dusting of furniture, books etc
Keep an eye for termite infection and pest control
Report about any malfunctioning of instruments
Help in issue of books
Opening and re-locking of library as per schedule
Help /Support whenever and wherever required by the CEC Authorities.
Part Time Mechanic
Q:1) | A skilled mechanic cum electrician, whose job is to take care of all mechanical, electrical, and electronic gadgets of CEC. And follow the standard operating protocol Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly basis. He must get in hand technical training of some other area i.e. Plumbing, Electricals, Masonry etc. to help out in minor repairs as and when required. |
Q:2) | He will be responsible for the maintenance and regular moment of revolving stage, different channel doors, taps, pipes etc. |
Carpenter CEC
R:1) A skilled person with a experience of making structures for stage production. His job is
- To assist set designer for the preparation of stage structures, sets, articles etc.
- To install, fix wooden or other structure as per requirement.
- To procure set materials and submit their purchase receipt to the concern person.
- To repair or made furniture and other articles, props etc. in the CEC.
- To train students in the hobbies workshops regarding woodcraft.
- To escort CEC teams in their outing for the assistance in erecting sets and other structures.
- To help the other MTS staff during the preparation rehearsals, pre and post production and other events.
- To report the damage to the Program Director or Coordinator.
- To keep vigil on the equipment and other material related to woodcraft.
- To maintain proper upkeep of woodcraft machine and tools.
- To keep in touch with the experts and information portals/websites etc. about the availability of new material and methods, trend in set and production designing.
- To apply cost effective methods and means in set and furniture designing.
- To keep aesthetical aspiration of club member alive by adding innovative ideas to their designs.
Board of Mentors and Presidents (BOMAP)
S:1) | Comprises of Mentors & Presidents of the Cultural Clubs and some invited members from Advisory Board of CSEC. The meeting of BOMAP shall be held at least thrice in one session one in the beginning of the session, and one in the end of the session. The presence of 60% of club representative is mandatory, either President or Mentor or both to complete the official quorum. Hence any President or Mentor can authorize (in case of his/her availability) Coordinator or President or Mentor to represent their club in the BOMAP through authorization letter. No number shall be fixed for the count of members of Advisory Board. All major decision shall be taken, decided in the BOMAP i.e. Annual Activity Calendar, Mega events, strategic decisions, etc. |
S:2) | Special Meeting of BOMAP: It can be called on time to time to take important and relevant decisions. No number shall be fixed for the presence of its members. |
CEC Advisory Board
T:1) | Comprising of experts from all the relevant fields/discipline of CEC and members from alumni of CEC. Its utility is to take maximum help in technical matters, fund rising, human resource etc. |
T:1:1) | A meeting of the presidents/ mentors shall be held within a week after the summer break. The meeting notification (Sample attached) will be send through:
(i) email, (ii) by speed post and (iii) through SMS/Whatsapp or other means of communication with a notification/request to attained the said meeting and incase of their absence authorized other president/mentor to represent them in the meeting. The fresh consent of the president/mentor may be sought to continue as president/mentor of the club. All the recipient shall be requested to acknowledge the receipt of this meeting notification and revert back the consent form. The following shall be discussed: |
T:1:2) | Discuss the overview of the performance, problems etc. of the previous session. |
T:1:3) | To discuss the possible new induction or selection of new members as presidents / mentors /members of advisory board etc. if any president/member would show his/her inability to continue as president/mentor of his club, or due to his/her attaining superannuation, or availinglong leave from the campus. In that case a citation will be read out and would be presented to the outgoing president/mentor by the coordinator in the end of the meeting. |
T:1:4) | A search committee, comprising Coordinator (as convener) and three other presidents/mentors shall be constituted in the meeting (in case the new induction/probably not decided in hand) to search and lookout the potential faculty members (s) to fill the vacant posts. They shall contact the beleaguered person(s) and report back within a week with their written consent and oath form. Coordinator shall be authorized to send the name(s) to the Vice Chancellor for the approval. It may be useful to mentioned here, that the ‘President’ of the club shall be selected amongst the younger enthusiastic, energetic, interested (in the said field) faculty members, whereas ‘Mentor” shall have good experience and seniority to his/her credit. |
T:1:5) | The member shall discuss the grey area and lacuna for more focused approach in coming session. |
T:1:6) | The date and methods shall be finalized to select Student Convener/ Secretary of different clubs. This includes:
a. The date of notification of the post through posters/Hall notices/Website/press publicity etc. b. The last date of submission of forms i.e. 15-20 days after the notification. c. Dates of interviews of secretary/convener of clubs, may wind up in three days. d. The tentative date for the declaration of the results. The form design & criterion (sample attached; Annexure 2) shall be finalized and distributed amongst the members (with the proposed changes if any) during the meeting. |
T:1:7) | The Presidents/Mentors shall hand over the names of experts for the selection panel (for the post of Secretary of the club) |
T:1:8) | The members shall decide next course of action, new innovative ideas for better performances, maximum involvement of students, to generate interest amongst the students and to nurture their hidden talents etc. |
T:1:9) | The meeting shall end with the citation presentation of outgoing president/mentor (if any) by the coordinator or any other senior member among the CEC team. |
T:2) | The proposed action (meeting of the BOMAP) shall be taken within three working days. |
T:3) | A team of some senior and articulate club members shall be deputed at the admission Centre with publicity materials i.e posters, leaflets, banners etc. as part of introductory campaign of different clubs of CEC for the new comers in the campus. |
T:4) | The ‘Notification’ to invite application for the post of Secretary/Student Convener shall be sent/displayed on all the Hall of residence, M.A Library, Faculty Notice boards, CEC Notice boards etc. The time shall be given to the applicant is of 15-20 days. The prescribed forms for the secretary –ship shall be available in the CEC (in the office hours) and also its PDF format shall be available on the University and CEC Websites. After the last date no application shall be entertained.
T:5) | Then the forms shall be sent (very next day of the last date of application submission) to Proctor’s office for the verification of the good conduct and clear disciplinary status of the applicants. The proctor’s office shall be requested to review and sent back the application within three working days. |
T:6) | The date of interview shall be fixed after the 10 working days of the last date of submission of application. The candidate shall be informed through (i) email, (ii) by speed post and (iii) through SMS/Whatsapp or (iv) by hand/ self receipt. |
T:7) | The candidates for the secretary-ship shall be selected on the recommendation of selection panel comprising of President/Mentor (convener) of the club, two or more experts from the related field (faculty members or outside experts) and Coordinator CEC (if desire or available). The recommendation of the selection panel shall be the final. It is also desirable to submit waiting list of at least two candidates, incase secretary could not join due to some reasons. |
T:8) | Each applicant for the post of secretary-ship has to appear in the selection committee. This shall be the mandatory in spite of the fact that other applicant may not turn-up for the selection trials. The selection panel shall decide the course of the selection trials well in advance (e.g. PPT presentation/demonstration or interview or group discussion etc.)which shall be displayed on the advertisement/publicity campaign of the post of secretary. |
T:9) | The criterion of selection for the post of secretary of the club shall be as follows; |
T:9:1) | Bonafide student of AMU. (Excluding students of Ph.D& other non-bonafide courses.) (note: A PhD student however can be student convener of club) |
T:9:2) | Should not hold any post of Secretary/Student Convener of any club of CEC in the past. |
T:9:3) | Achievements in the related field: (a) awards/prizes/positions at International / National / Zonal / Intervarsity level competitions |
T:9:4) | Organizational Skills:
a. Experience of organizing (as an organizing secretary/convener or head any sub-committee of International/National/Zonal/Intervarsity Festivals. b. Workshops, seminars, dedicated lecture series with some renowned experts of related field (of other institution/place) of at least three days duration. |
T:9:5) | Has represented university/institution in the International / National / Zonal / Intervarsity forums. |
T:9:6) | His/her standing in club may also be considered in selection. |
T:9:7) | His/her practical and applicable innovative ideas, Plans, expertise may score good points
Note: In case of no candidate found suitable, the selection panel shall be authorized to nominate any candidate (amongst the applicants) as student convener. It shall be better to allot fixed points to above said categories for transparency and hassle free selection. |
T:10) | The following action/conduct leads to disqualification of candidate for the post of Secretary/Student Convener of the club: |
T:10:1) | Any type of intimidation with other applicants, president, mentors, coordinator, office bearer etc. |
T:10:2) | Gang up, rowdiness, complaints of ill behavior or corrosive remarks, gender bias, proof of pervert mentality (evidences of Facebook, email, twitter, blog posting, Whatsapp messages) etc. |
T:10:3) | Previous history of bullying up with fellow members, involvement in the some unlawful and unscrupulous means etc. |
T:11) | The Selection Panel shall submit their recommendation on the same day in a sealed envelope to the coordinator CEC along with the waiting list of two candidates with the order of preference 1 & 2. He/she shall keep them in the safe custody in the office Elmira. After receiving all the recommendations the coordinator shall open them in the presence of two or more presidents as witness and they all put their signs on the envelope and recommendation as well. A note sheet of secretary/students convener shall be prepared in secrecy and coordinator personally carries them to the Vice Chancellor (on next working day) for the early and prompt approval for the current academic session. The approved list of selected secretaries shall be displayed on the CEC Notice Boards and a copy shall be send to PRO Office for the vide publicity. |
T:12) | The three/seven working days shall be given to the selected candidates through intimation letter to submit their joining along with the Bond of Oath (Copy attached). Failing which the next candidate from the waiting list shall be given chance by the mutual consent of President, Mentor, Coordinator, if they could not made consensus on this issue the fresh advertisement or the selection of student convener shall be made as per rule. This shall be followed by a facilitation ceremony of Presidents/ Mentors of the CEC Clubs, newly selected Secretaries/Students Conveners, and outgoing Secretaries/Students Conveners, instructors and supporting staff of CEC. In this get-to–gather, coordinator shall announce future course of action (which had been discussed in the first meeting of the presidents) and give 7 -10 working days to the office bearers to chalk out Activity Calendar of their respective clubs, which contains a broad outline of the (Micro & Macro) programs/activities with tentative dates, budgetary requirements etc. And also announce the date and day of this scheduled meeting. The Secretaries/Students Conveners should sign the prescribed agreement (annexure 4) for their good conduct and abidance of rules and regulation charter of CEC and AMU. |
T:13) | This shall be followed by aggressive membership campaign in the campus through hoardings, posters and banners, membership form (Annexure3) shall be available online, on CEC Website and University Website and also in the CEC Office. |
T:14) | In this said meeting (to finalize the yearly activity calendar) presidents/mentors and secretaries/ student convener shall present their plan on PPT for better understanding followed by discussion. In case of coincidence in the date, coordinator shall be authorized to finalize and reserve the dates in keeping in view the necessity and practical difficulties. The final activity calendar shall be send to competent authority for approval. |
T:15) | Once finalized, all clubs shall adhere to their approved program/ schedule, sans some minor alteration and transient opportunity to engage good performers/experts/speakers etc. to our folds, or some shifting may be done to accommodate unscheduled university programs/conferences etc. The activity calendar shall have following elements: |
T:15:1) | Micro Program: It shall includes weekly activity of each club on the allotted day or dedicated day of each week i.e Sunday morning Film Club (Film Show) Sunday evening (any of its forum) Monday evening Hindustani Music Club (1st Monday of the month- Light Classical Vocal, 2nd Monday of the month- Instrumental, 3rd Monday of the month- Folk Music, Ethnic, traditional, Sufi, Regional Music, 4rth Monday of the month-Instrumental or Classical or Film Songs with any of the other clubs i.e Fusion, Fine Art, Drama Club etc)
Tuesday Club for Short Evening Courses, & Hobbies Workshop, Wednesday Fine Art Club & Eco Club, Thursday Western Music Club, Friday Literary Club & Fusion Music Club, and on every Saturday members of the University Drama Club shall stage their production. These shall be widely circulated to make people aware of its activities. Some attractive banners or permanent logo shall be design for each club to be displayed on their turn/day. If any club would be found skipping more than two dedicated days of activity (without any significant reason) shall have to give written explanation to the coordinator, and shall have to do supplementary performances on any day year marked for the purpose. The office bearer of each club shall design and communicate their weekly schedule on quarterly basis. To give maximum reach of CEC activities, these performances/programs/workshops shall be extended to different locations in the university campus, and also in the Kennedy House Complex. The arrangement/permission shall be sought well before the schedule program, with alternative and contingency plan in hand. |
T:15:2) | Macro Program: Each club shall have at least two Macro or Major Programs in one academic session, this includes Annual Festival of Inter Hall, Inter Collegiate, District, State, Zonal, National or International levels. They shall be announced in the beginning of the session through press release, Facebook, Website posting. |
T:16) | To avoid mad rush in the end of the session and to harness new talents among the students community, the clubs shall be encouraged to organized Inter Hall competitions in the beginning of the session i.e in the month of August, September and October. The CEC must kick starts its regular activities from 1st August every year. |
T:17) | The membership of the club shall be open for four months i.e 1st August to 30th November. The criterion as follows
T:17:1) | The applicants (for the membership of a club) must be bonafide student of AMU. He/she has to submit his/her application on a prescribed membership forms (copy attached); shall available in the office or could be download from website. |
T:17:2) | Students of PhD,+2 and university employee shall opt for Associate Membership. |
T:17:3) | The Associate member has a privilege to attained club activities, and may utilize its facility, but he/she could not posses right to utilize or avail time and property at par with regular members. As per AIU rules, no non-bonafide student shall be allowed to represent university in the Zonal or National events. |
T:17:4) | The membership shall be given through his/her performance in the screening test/interview in the selection board constituted for the said purpose. This Selection Board to enroll and allot registration number to the selected members shall be consist of the Club President or Mentor or both, instructor (if any) one or two experts amongst the university staff or resource persons available at that time, Secretary/ student convener and minimum three senior members of the said club, The Selection Board shall interviewed or screen the applicants (for the membership of the club) twice in a month for initial period and then once in a month for remaining two months, preferably last week of the month. |
T:17:5) | The Selection Board possess full authority to reject any application on the following basis:
a. Any type of intimidation with other applicants, president, mentors, coordinator, office bearer etc. b. Gang up, rowdiness, complaints of ill behavior or corrosive remarks, gender bias, proof of pervert mentality (evidences of Facebook, email, twitter, blog posting, Whatsapp messages) etc. c. Previous history of bullying up fellow members, involvement in the some unlawful and unscrupulous means in the past as Associate Member/ Regular Member of the other clubs of Cultural Education Centre. |
T:17:6) | In case of any doubt the Selection Board can send the said application for the further verification with the different offices i.e Controller office, Proctor office, DSW etc. |
T:17:7) | If a student is suspended/debarred or dropped out (due to shortage in attendance) his/her membership also terminated till she/he shall attained full student hood of the university. |
T:17:8) | CEC shall constitute a Central Disciplinary Committee. One Assistant/Deputy proctor shall be included in the CDC. |
T:17:9) | The club membership shall be cancelled if a person(s) found guilty of theft, intentional damage to the equipment/property, embezzlement of funds, motivate mob or ignite disturbances in the CEC campus/University. Misbehave with the Mentor, President, instructor, guests, invited resource persons, Secretary/Student convener, and forum in charge, fellow members, supporting staff of CEC etc. The member brings some undesirable elements/persons in the club, which create fear and disturbs the functioning of the club, he/she found hooting and make nuisance in the functions/activities of any club of CEC. Involved in unlawful activities, physical assault on members or staff, eve teasing, indecent gestures to female members. Found using narcotics, liquor, wielding firearms, knife etc in the club/ CEC campus. The alleged person(s) shall be issued a show-cause notice, by the Coordinator CEC on behalf of CDC, on the complain duly forwarded by the club secretary/forum in charge/ President or Mentor of the Club. The alleged person shall be given a week time (7 working days) to submit his/her version or submit an apology. The Show-Cause notice shall be send by hand/by post/or by email. Failure which CDC shall decide:-
(a) Ceasing of membership for certain period or (b) debarred forever or (c) banned from entering the CEC campus. It depends upon the severity of his/her involvement and grade of offence committed. In case of the order of his CEC Campus ban the Proctor shall be informed with details of events and involvement of said person(s). |
T:17:10) | The expelled member shall not be given any certificate of program he/she attained. |
T:17:11) | Every member shall has to participate in at least three program in one academic session otherwise his/her membership shall be deemed as cancelled. |
T:17:12) | No membership certificate shall be issued to the members of any club. They have to participate in club activities, and the their active involvement in the club activities shall be endorsed through participation/appreciation certificates. In these certificate a column or space shall be created to mention the period/duration or standing (as member) in the club (from_______to_____ ) |
T:17:13) | Every member has to renew his/her membership in the current session, through Membership Renewal Form. |
T:17:14) | The Membership Registration Number shall contain,” year of joining” as last numerical, for better understanding and identification of club standing. |
T:17:15) | If a member left the club and rejoin the club after the gap of one year, he/she shall not be entitled for old registration number. They shall have to apply for membership a fresh. Only the regular members shall be entitled for the renewal of their past membership of the club. |
T:17:16) | A nominal membership fee could be charge from the members. They have to submit the requisite amount in the cash section of university and submit their duplicate receipt to the dealing assistant for the record keeping. |
T:17:17) | In case of Film Club, the seasonal tickets of one academic session shall be issued one week in advance, through club widow. The film enthusiast has to purchase the festival tickets by producing I.D card at the windows and in return, he/she shall get a festival tickets and receipt of purchase. These amount collected shall be submitted in the CEC Revolving Fund within three days of the “Membership Closed” announcement/ notification. This notification shall be displayed on the CEC Notice Boards, Hall of residence (through provosts of the respective halls) and on some prominent places on the campus, at least one week prior to the closing date of the membership of CEC Clubs. The seasonal ticket purchaser has no right to intervene in the day-to-day club activities of Film Club/ Dram |
SOP of organizing an event:
U:1) | Mega Event (Macro Event):As per activity calendar on |
U:1:A) | 130 day before the actual event, the Dealing Assistant of the club shall remind the President/Mentor and the Secretary of the club to convene first meeting and also inform Coordinator about the reminder. The President and Secretary shall start preparation of PPT for the said meeting, in which.
(A:1) President shall contact Controller of Examination and DSW offices to get information about examination dates during the date of event. (A:2) Mentor shall reach to the Dean offices and Conference secretariats to find out clash with some high profile conferences during that period. (A:3) Secretary shall get feedback from club members about their academic engagement during the event. (A:4) The Dealing Assistant (DA) shall get information from Guest House for the position of prior booking during the event. (A:5) DA shall prepare the minutes of the meeting. |
U:1:B) | on 125 day before event the DA shall dispatched invitation of the first meeting signed by the President or Mentor and Secretary or Student Convener of the club to the Coordinator of CEC, Program Director, In-charge accounts, Secretary General Coordination Committee, Secretary General PR, Instructors, Graphic Designer and on mutual consent some of the Members of the Advisory Board, and senior members of the club, may be invited to join a kick off meeting of the said events. |
U:1:C) | 120 day the first meeting, a PPT shall be presented by the secretary which include:
(C:1) Detail outline, format of the event. (C:2) Tentative date of the event and feedback he/she get form A:1, A:2, A:3, A:4. (C:3) Number of expected participation. (C:4) Requirement of funds. (C:5) Facilities, technical and human support, out sourcing required. (C:6) Potential crisis that may occur and their solution. (C:7) Tentative list of guest/speakers/chief guests along with their profile etc. (C:8) Name of his/her deputy and other organizers. (C:9) The plans of reaching out to other funding agencies etc. (C:10) Followed by an open discussion, sharing of past experiences regarding this event, distribution of work, formation of committees ,i.e. technical, food, sponsor, accommodation, transport, media, reception, stage and design committees, their in- charges, current position of account etc. this may be desirable to include Presidents and Secretaries of different club in the committees. (C:11) The decision taken shall be note down and the hand out copy of the presentation and decision shall be distributed among the members present by the dealing assistant. (C:12) Tentative logo and other designs. (C:13) A press release shall be sent to the PR office, website, Facebook page by the Secretary General PR and Graphic Designer. (C:14) Files and computer folder/brief case Facebook page, Web account etc shall be open in the name of this event. (C:15) the date of next meeting of the coordination committee announced. |
U:1:D) | In next twenty days all the probable participants, and guests be selected by the organizing club
(D:1) The event entry form, broachers etc. should be finalized. (D:2) The authority letter and the event’s promo/presentation shall be finalized with the help of GSPR President, Secretary, Graphic designer. (D:3) 105 day prior, an invitation letter shall be send to all the secretaries and heads of different committee to attend a meeting. |
U:1:E) | At the100 day the amendment in the designs, format etc. shall be finalized and submitted to the coordination committee (in the meeting) comprising secretaries, or representatives of all the clubs and heads of different committees GSPR, GSCC.
(E:1) First information about the exact date, shall be sent along with the format, entry forms, brochure shall be dispatched, emailed, uploaded on website for the target participants by the club functionaries and DA club. (E:2) The Fund raising committee shall be given authority letter and presentation with all instruction regarding the official finance dealing by the President and in charge account CEC, and they have to sign an undertaking to follow the rules of finance and account and their proper submission, before the event and whenever asked to do so. (E:3) Mentor, President shall contact judges, chief guest, and other and get their confirmations as early as possible. (E:4) A letter shall be sent to the MIC Guest house and MIC Automobile for the booking, by the heads of the respective committees signed by the President or Coordinator, DA and team of Accommodation Committee shall follow the process. (E:5) All the heads of different committees shall be requested to work out their modalities, survey of the facilities, charges, rates, etc and also submit contingency plan to Mentor of the club within next 15 days. (E:6) Date and time of next meeting shall be announced. (E:7) Ad shall prepare the minutes of the meeting and distributed it to the concern persons within three days of meeting. |
U:1:F) | 90th day: in this meeting, all the heads of teams shall come up with their feedback, on that basis a detailed plan and strategy shall be chalked out by the club officials and others. If felt necessary a sub team or reinforcement shall be implemented for aggressive progression, and reaching out to preset goals:
(F:1) AD shall prepare the minutes of the meeting and distribute it to the concern persons within three days of meeting. (F:2) The dealing assistant shall combines all possible expenses together and submit this to In charge accounts through the president and coordinator. |
U:1:G) | 70 day prior, the committees shall present their overall progress:
(G:1) The expected performance shall be analyzed and slow trotter shall be embolden and given 15days time to improve their performance. (G:2) 50 day prior a draft of proposal shall be finalized by the President and the coordinator along with In-Charge account and be send to the competent authority for the approval. (G:3) The DA shall be asked to follow the proposal on daily basis and get the sanction order back within 10days. (G:4) Mentor and Coordinator shall be available to convince, explain the details of the event to the competent authority if required. |
U:1:H) | 60 day Notice of the next meeting shall be circulated among all concern persons including all heads of committees etc. |
U:1:I) | 50 day in this meeting exact allocation of funds shall be discussed on the basis of approval by the competent authority and feedback from fund raising committee:
(I:1) any amendment, change, new information, response, problems etc shall be examined. (I:2) different concepts about overall design, publicity shall be discussed and finalized. (I:3) over all feedback etc shall be reviewed. (I:4) AD shall prepare the minutes of the meeting and distributed it to the concern persons within three days of meeting. |
U:1:J) | 40 day prior to event, The president shall start working on the preparation of club’s team:
(J:1) Mentor shall work out contingency arrangements. (J:2) In charge account shall apply for advance (fund). (J:3) Fund committee starts aggressive campaign. (J:4) Reception committee under the guidance of Secretary shall starts pursuing teams for their confirmation about the participation. (J:5) President shall make contacts with the his/her counterparts at different institutions and resource persons, judges etc. (J:6) The Conveyance & Transport team shall starts booking tickets of guests etc. |
U:1:K) | 30 day: Repair, renovation, procurement (if required) shall be done in advance, so process must starts before this date:
(K:1) Designs, quality and quantity of different items shall be finalized i.e. Volunteer and participant’s badges, writing pads etc shall be finalized and order should be placed. Also the Secretary, President, and coordinator, Publicity In-charge of the event, GSPR and graphic designer, shall finalize the designs of publicity stuff of the event, Banners/Hoardings/posters etc. The locations of their placement shall also be decided i.e University Circle, Babe Syed, Maulana Azad Library, On location exterior and the Back Drop banner, Duck Point, Education Circle etc. If funds available then 40-80 Pole Butting and 10 walls mount hoardings at CEC boundary wall may be placed. (K:2) The quality and design of mementos and certificates, trophies shall be finalize and orders would be placed. (K:3) The stage management team & GSCC shall finalized the stage requirement including sitting arrangements, table signage, Podium, lectern etc. (K:4) The technical committee shall submit their requirements of the technical support, Microphones, projectors etc to the PD © to coordinator through DA. (K:5) The food committee shall start negotiation regarding foodstuff (if going for out sourcing (K:6) The Venue in-charge and team shall workout complete setup/getup survey of the venues and place their order to suppliers/arranger. (K:7) DA remind all through notification of meeting on 15 day ahead |
U:1:L) | 15day ahead: The complete house or all concerned stake holders’ meet organized to weed out all the tribulations coming in the way:
(L:1) The president presents over view of the preparation till date. (L:2) Followed by the presentations by secretary/student convener, organizing secretary, GSCC, GSPR, Accounts (club/student) Account (CEC) heads of all committees ,PG etc. The DA Club note down all requisites/problems. (L:3) The Mentor explains contingency plan to substitute last moment glitches, if not agreed the house may debate on the issue. (L:4) The DA clubs prepare the minutes and immediately circulated among all the concerned persons and preserve their receiving in a separate folder. The DA shall also prepare a general notice/advertisement to be placed on different notice boards/Face book page,Websites etc regarding the date of audition (comparing during the event, volunteer etc) along with dates and venue of the audition/screening. These shall be sent to the Provost, Principal, Webmaster, GD for wide circulation. |
U:1:M) | 7-5 day ahead; The GSPR along with the publicity in charge shall starts rounds of locations to confirm the proper placement of banners, hoardings and other publicity materials in the campus. The Coordinator, President, Mentor of the club[s] along with GSPR or the Publicity In-charge of the event also hold press conference for aggressive & innovative publicity campaigns of the event with daily news release in the national as well as in the local dailies:
(M:1) The reception team along with the office bearer, GSCC,GSPR,PD, President, Mentor and the coordinator shall finalize the exact format and the flow chart of the complete event, from curtain raiser to final closing down. The DA takes note and submits to the Graphic Designer to give it proper shape in the pictographic format. This shall be placed on notice boards in the CEC and also on standees for better understanding of the event. (M:2) The concern committee inform out station teams/guests/judges/resource persons etc (through mails and also communicate telephonically) about their schedules during the events, place of stay or any other reminder about season, and other requirement, document they need to carry etc. and a copy of flow chart of the event. (M:3) The other teams in-charge of the transport / accommodation / stage management / decoration etc starts reminding concern persons/suppliers/ out sourcing agents to show their stuffs and arrangements to give finer touches to the material/ preparation if found any discrepancy they would immediately contact the Mentor/president of the club for the decision to change or replace the deficiency through his contingency plan. (M:4) The DA and GSPR shall inform all the applicants of comparing and volunteering during the event to come for audition on the given date. The \GSCC, President, Mentor, coordinator, Secretary shall take stock of the comparers and select the suitable candidates through audition/ screening with waiting list/substitute. The mentor shall prepare the waiting list. (M:5) Immediately the training of comparers shall starts under the supervision of trainer. (M:6) The volunteer and the liaison Volunteer (two volunteer for every guest) of the guests shall be finalized. (M:7) The DA with consultation will release notice for the final rehearsals. |
U:1:N) | 3days a head: The complete rehearsals shall begin which includes comparing, stage preparation, stage assistance, guest ushering etc. The Liaison Volunteer shall be given a “brush with history of AMU and its buildings to be helpful during their guided tours of guests and teams in and around the campus:
(N:1) The concern in-charge informs all the guests and teams about the names and contact numbers of their Liaison Volunteers. They accompany them from the place of their landing (Airport, railway station etc) to Aligarh and back and also escort the guests and the teams during their moment and stay at Aligarh. Likewise visiting teams may also be given two Liaison Escorts for their comfort and accessibility. (N:2) The Secretary and GSCC shall send a list of such students volunteers to President of the club to be incorporated in the list of students which shall be send to the Vice-Chancellor / Pro- Vice- Chancellor for the relaxation in attendance. (N:3) The coordinator shall send these lists for prior permission from the competent authority or personally visit them for the permission. (N:4) The stage committee and Pendal/camp committee shall keenly supervise the preparation. They may send request to the Proctor to depute security staff for the vigilance in the night on the site of program/pendal etc. (N:5) The coordinator shall send names of President for his/her exemption from the duty during the event. (N:6) The GSCC or President will allot rehearsal venue and time slot to the different players for the rehearsal. (N:7) on demand of the secretary and other office bearer. PG or the coordinator shall release the duty chart of office attendance and other supporting staff through notice and DA shall maintain the said receiving. (N:8) GSPR, GSCC and mentor would issue current press release regarding the event. And send list of girls students to the competent authorities regarding their stay at CEC in late hours. |
U:1:O) | one day before the event, the account in-charge, fund raising committee and sponsor committee shall submit all the fund/cash/draft etc to the in-charge account CEC through the President of the club on this day.
(O:1) The President, Mentor Secretary, Student Convener , coordinator shall meet to discuss final touches and to resolve disputes if arise till date. (O:2) The GSCC or Secretary and president call all the teams and also the officials of all clubs to request them for the cooperation and for a brief about the preparation and functioning during the event. (O:3) The deputed members of each committee shall be given their duty chart in written format by their in-charges through DA/PG/GSCC duly signed by the club officials. (O:4) On the eve of the event a grand rehearsal of crowd management in the Auditorium / Pandal volunteers, stage volunteers and anchors shall be held under the supervision of Coordinator, President, Secretary, GSCC and other concerned in-charges. (O:5) The signage (sitting & Table) shall be fixed according to plan. (O:6) The anchors and AV team shall make Audio Vide check and Console Marking with Sound, Video & Light in-charges. (O:7) The concerned sound light personals shall be given flow chart of the next day event on this evening. (O:8) The stage management committee also do rehearsals of the entry-exit of stage assistance those have been assigned to dispatched/handover trophies articles. Magazine etc. |
U:1:P) | On the days of the event reception team, President, mentor, Coordinator, shall maintain smooth sailing of the event, with reception team taking advance preparation/personnel ready for the hassle free functioning i:e the food in-charge shall depute at least four volunteer hosts for breakfast 1st for making proper queue to getting empty plates, 2nd volunteer to supervised and assist distribution of plates, 3rd volunteer shall be stationed behind the service table to make sure proper and prompt supply of food items, 4th volunteer shall look after the comfortable moment and sitting arrangements of guests/participants. |
U:2) | A front desk shall be installed for enquiries and complaints. |
U:3) | The GSCC or in-charges of different committees shall depute representatives on turn basis, they shall be called and remind of their duty well in advance by the in-charge of their posting. They all make ticks of check list after completing the job. |
U:4) | The GSCC or Mentor of the club or any person assigned to take round of every event and note down the shortcoming and simultaneously instruct the concerned person to full fill the requisite. |
U:5) | The LV ushering the guests shall present all through the event alongside or sits behind them to be available on short notice. They have contact numbers of the travel committee /Drivers etc۔ to call to pick-up their guest in time. |
U:6) | The concerned in-charge of event flow shall prepare and coax participants / teams / musicians / artists etc to be prepared for the next entry. This person(s) shall ensure time management throughout the event. |
U:7) | The GSPR or other media and publicity team shall prepare press noting/results to be dispatched for the press by the end of that day. They are also responsible to change the displays of schedule or any notices (amendments in the program etc). |
U:8) | The Volunteers assigned job 1 hour before and after 1hour post lunch deserve to be feed with working lunch, same for the girls who came from far flung areas/hostels. These shall be incorporated in the budget of the event and the lunch packets shall be distributed on other locations away from the food court designated for the guests or if distributed on the same arena it must be after the guest finishes their food, but it should not on the cost of killing events time. However the LV and the food court volunteers shall be instructed to take their lunch/dinner after their guest comfortably settles down and finishes midcourse. |
U:9) | All the in- charges and some team members, DA Account in-charge, discipline committee shall meet after the event for the days’ briefing in the designated place on daily basis. Mentor shall coordinate with GSCC or Secretary for substitutions of any sorts if required. |
U:10) | After every day event over, the stage committee, technical committee members have to collect all the required articles, files, tags, etc in their safe custody of Keeper and receive checklist with date and time. |
U:11) | The dispute/Protest panel headed by the president/mentor of the club and two or three members from advisory board shall take care of the disputes if arises any way. |
U:12) | Discipline committee on the complaint of their observer must take cognitive steps to keep at bay disturbing elements by swiftly engaging them to other job or just report the matter to proctor. |
U:13) | After the event is over, the president shall call a get- together (within three working days) for all the concern personal, including supporting staff, where their support and services shall be lauded, certificates of excellence shall be given and the account in-charge shall submit all the vouchers to the CEC accounts. |
Monthly Event (Micro Event):
V:1) | As per activity calendar on | ||
40 day before the actual even, the Dealing Assistant of the club shall remind the President/Mentor and the Secretary of the club to convene first meeting and also inform coordinator about the reminder. | |||
V:1:B) | The President and Secretary shall start preparation of PPT for the said meeting, in which they contact PD for availability of the venue, and reserve tentative dates on his/her booking dairy. | ||
V:1:C) | on 35th day prior the DA shall dispatch invitation of this meeting signed by the President or Mentor and Secretary or Student Convener of the club to the Coordinator of CEC, Program Director, In-charge accounts, Secretary General Coordination Committee, Secretary General PR, Instructors, Graphic Designer and on mutual consent some of the Members of the Advisory Board, and senior members of the club, may be invited to join a kick off meeting of the said events. | ||
V:1:D) | 31 day the first meeting, a PPT shall be presented by the secretary which include:
(D:1) Detailed outline, format of the event. (D:2) tentative date of the event. (D:3) number of expected participation (D:4) requirement of funds (D:5) facilities , technical and human support, out sourcing required (D:6) crisis if may occurs and their solution (D:7) tentative list of guest/speakers/chief guests along with their profile etc. (D:8) name of his/her deputy and other organizers. (D:9) The plans of reaching out to other funding agencies etc (D:10) Followed by an open discussion, sharing of past experiences regarding this event, distribution of work, formation of committees, i.e. technical, food, sponsor, accommodation, transport, media, reception, stage and design committees, their in- charges, current position of account etc. (D:11) The decision taken shall be noted down and the hand out copy of the presentation and decision shall be distributed among the members present by the dealing assistant. (D:12) Tentative logo and other designs (D:13) A press release shall be sent to the PR office, website, Face book page by the SGPR and Graphic Designer. (D:14) Files and computer folder/brief case, Face book page, Web account etc shall be open in the name of this event by the DA (D:15) The date of next meeting of the coordination committee announced |
V:1:E) | In next 7 days all the probable participants, and guests were selected by the organizing club
(E:1) The event entry form, brochure etc. shall be finalized the quality and design of mementos and certificates, trophies shall be finalize and orders would be placed. (E:2) The stage management team & GSCC shall finalized the stage requirement including sitting arrangements, table signage, Podium, lectern etc. (E:3) The technical committee shall submit their requirements of the technical support, Microphones, projectors etc to the PD © to coordinator through DA. (E:4) The Venue in-charge and team shall workout complete setup/getup survey of the venues and placed their order to suppliers/arranger. |
V:1:F) | 22 day prior, the invitation letters/posters or other advertisement, First information about the exact date, shall be sent along with the format, entry forms, brochure shall be dispatched, e- mailed, uploaded on website for the target participants, by the club functionaries and DA club, to all the relevant persons. Provosts, Principals of colleges, local dailies etc.
(F;1) The Fund raising committee(if necessary) shall be given authority letter and presentation with all instruction regarding the official finance dealing by the President and in charge account CEC, and they have to sign an undertaking to follow the rules of finance and account and their proper submission, before the event and whenever asked to do so. (F:2) Mentor, President shall contact judges, chief guest, and other and get their confirmations as early as possible. (F:3) A letter shall be sent to the MIC Guest house and MIC Automobile for the booking, by the heads of the respective committees signed by the President or Coordinator, DA and team of Accommodation Committee shall follow the process. (F:4) All the heads of different committees shall be requested to work out their modalities, and also submit contingency plan to Mentor of the club within next 4 days. (F:5) AD shall prepare the minutes of the meeting and distributed it to the concern persons within three days of meeting. (F:6) The dealing assistant shall combines all possible expenses together and submit this to In-charge account through the president and coordinator. |
V:1:G) | 20 day, A draft of proposal shall be finalized by the President and the coordinator along with In-Charge account and send to the competent authority for the approval:
(G:1) The DA shall be asked to follow the proposal on daily basis and get the sanction order back within next 7days. (G:2) Mentor and Coordinator shall be available to convince, explain the details of the event to the competent authority if required. (G:3) Mentor shall work out contingency arrangements. |
V:1:H) | 18 day prior event, In charge account shall apply for advance (fund):
(H:1) Reception committee under the guidance of Secretary shall start pursuing teams for their confirmation about the participation. (H:2) President/Secretary make contacts with his/her counterparts at different institutions and resource persons, judges etc. (H:3) The Conveyance & Transport team shall starts booking t ickets of guests etc. (H:4) GSPR and graphic designer shall finalize the designs of publicity stuff of the event, Banners/Hoardings/posters etc. The locations of their placement shall also be decided i.e. University Circle, Babe Syed, Maulana Azad Library, On location exterior and the Back Drop banner. |
V:1:I) | 15 day, Repair, renovation, procurement (if required) shall be done in advance, so process must starts before this date:
(I:1) Designs, quality and quantity of different items shall be finalized i.e. (I:2If funds available than 40-80 Pole Butting and 10 walls mount hoardings at CEC boundary wall may be placed. |
V:1:J) | 10 day the president presents over view of the preparation till date:
(J:1) Followed by the presentations by secretary. The Mentor explains contingency plan to substitute last moment glitches, if not agreed the house may debate on the issue. (J:2) The DA club prepare the minutes and immediately circulated among all the concerned persons and preserve their receiving in a separate folder. |
V:1:K) | 7-5 day ahead; The GSPR along with the publicity in charge shall starts rounds of locations to confirm the proper placement of banners, hoardings and other publicity materials in the campus. The Coordinator, President, Mentor of the club[s] along with GSPR or the Publicity In-charge of the event also hold press conference for aggressive & innovative publicity campaigns of the event with daily news releases in the local dailies.
(K:1) The reception team along with the office bearer, GSCC,GSPR,PD, President, Mentor and the coordinator shall finalized the exact format and the flow chart of the complete event, from curtain raiser to final closing down. The DA takes note and submits to the Graphic Designer to give it proper shape in the pictographic format. This shall be placed on notice boards in the CEC and also on standees for better understanding of the event. (K:2) The concerned committee inform out station teams/guests/judges/resource persons etc (through mails and also communicate telephonically) about their schedules during the events, place of stay or any other reminder about season, and other requirement, document they need to carry etc and a copy of flow chart of the event. (K:3) The other teams in-charge of the transport/ accommodation / stage management / decoration etc starts reminding concern persons / suppliers / out sourcing agents to show their stuffs and arrangements to give finer touches to the material/ preparation i found any discrepancy they would immediately contact the Mentor/president of the club for the decision to change or replace the deficiency through his contingency plan. (K:4) The DA and GSPR inform all the applicants of comparing and volunteering during the event to come for audition on the given date. The GSCC, President, Mentor, coordinator, Secretary shall take stalks of the comparers and select the suitable candidates through audition / screening with waiting list / substitute. The mentor shall prepare the waiting list. (K:5) Immediately the training of comparers shall starts under the supervision of trainer.(K:6) The volunteer and the liaison Volunteer (two volunteer for every guest) of the guests shall be finalized. (K:7) The DA with consultation release notice for the final rehearsals. |
V:1:L) | 3 days ahead: The complete rehearsals begin which includes comparing, stage preparation, stage assistance, guest ushering etc. | ||
(L:1) | The concern in-charge informs all the guests and teams about the names and contact numbers of their Liaison Volunteers. They accompany them from the place of their arrival till their departure. | ||
(L:2) | The Secretary and GSCC send a list of such students volunteers to President of the club to be incorporated in the list of students shall be send to the Vice Chancellor / Pro Vice Chancellor for the relaxation in attendance. | ||
(L:3) | The coordinator shall send these lists for prior permission from the competent authority or personally visit them for the permission. | ||
(L:4) | The stage committee shall keenly supervise the preparation.
(L:5) | The GSCC or President will allot rehearsal venue and time slot to the different players for the rehearsal. | ||
(L:6) | on demand of the secretary and other office bearer. PG or the coordinator shall release the duty chart of office attendance and other supporting staff through notice and DA shall maintain the said receiving. | ||
(L:7) | GSPR, GSCC and mentor would issue current press release regarding the event. And send list of girl’s students to the competent authorities regarding their stay at CEC in late hours. | ||
V:1:M | One day before the event, the account in-charge, fund raising committee and sponsor committee shall submit all the fund/cash/draft etc to the in-charge account CEC through the President of the club on this day: | ||
(M:1) | The President, Mentor Secretary, Student Convener, coordinator shall meet to discuss final touches and to resolve disputes if arise till date. | ||
(M:2) | The GSCC or Secretary and president call all the teams and also the officials of all clubs to request them for the cooperation and for a brief about the preparation and functioning during the event. | ||
(M;3) | The deputed members of each committee shall be given their duty chart in written format by their in-charges through DA/PG/GSCC duly signed by the club officials. | ||
(M:4) | On the eve of the event a grand rehearsal of crowd management in the Auditorium volunteers, stage volunteers and anchors shall be held under the supervision of Coordinator, President, Secretary, GSCC and other concerned in-charges. | ||
(M:5) | The signage (sitting & Table) shall be fixed according to plan. | ||
(M:6) | The anchors and AV team shall make Audio Vide check and Console Marking with Sound, Video & Light in-charges. | ||
(M:7) | The concern sound light personals shall be given flow chart of the next day event on this evening. | ||
(M:8) | The stage management committees also do rehearsals of the entry- exit of stage assistance those have been assigned to dispatched/handover trophies articles. Magazine etc. | ||
V:1:N) | On the days of the event reception team, President, mentor, Coordinator, shall maintained smooth sailing of the event, with reception team taking advance preparation/personal ready for the hassle free functioning. | ||
V:1:O) | A front desk shall be installed for enquiries and complaints | ||
V:1:P) | The GSCC or in-charges of different committees shall depute representatives on turn basis, they shall be called and remind of their duty well in advance by the in-charge of their posting. They all make ticks of checklist after completing the job. | ||
V:1:Q) | The GSCC or Mentor of the club or any person assigned to take round of every venue and note down the shortcoming and simultaneously instruct the concerned person to full fill the requisite. | ||
V:1:R) | The LV ushering the guests shall present all through the event alongside or sits behind them to be available on short notice. They have contact numbers of the travel committee /Drivers etc to call to pick-up their guest in time. | ||
V:1:S) | The concerned in-charge of event flow shall prepare and coax participants / teams / musicians / artists etc to be prepared for the next entry. This person(s) shall ensure time management throughout the event. | ||
V:1:T) | The GSPR or other media and publicity team shall prepare press noting/results to be dispatched for the press by the end of that day. They are also responsible for change in the display of schedule or any notices (amendments in the program etc). | ||
V:1:U) | Mentor shall coordinate with GSCC or Secretary for substitutions of any sorts if required. | ||
V:1:V) | After the days’ event over, the stage committee, technical committee members have to collect all the required articles, files, tags, etc in their safe custody of Keeper and receive checklist with date and time | ||
V:1:W) | The dispute/Protest panel headed by the president/mentor of the club and two or three members from advisory board shall take care of the disputes if arises any way. | ||
V:1:X) | Discipline committee on the complaint of their observer must take cognitive steps to keep at bay disturbing elements by swiftly engaging them to other job or just report the matter to proctor. | ||
V:1:Y) | After the event is over, the president call a get- together (within three working days) for all the concern personal, including supporting staff, where their support and services shall be lauded, certificates of excellence shall be given and the account in-charge shall submit all the vouchers to the CEC accounts. | ||
V:1:Z) | The Dealing Assistant of the club will file all the document, proofs, photo copies, Photographs in a digital format CD/DVD/Disc etc , and all the printed materials in a separate folder under the name tag and the opening & closing date of the event and also the date when the event file is closed for good. |
SOP of organizing events; i.e. Seminar, Conference, Workshops, S.S. Day, Convocation, Alumni Meet etc in the Kennedy Auditorium.
- The interested organizer shall down load the Auditorium Booking Form from CEC Website or get it from the CEC office. The form should be of two types. Form A for the organizations belongs to AMU and Form B for the outsiders (not affiliated to AMU). In case of Departmental/ Faculty requisite, the Program Director or deputed staff shall officially dispatch the Kennedy Auditorium Booking Form along with the checklist to the concerned department/faculty. In case organizer communicates on telephone, then they will be requested by the Coordinator, Program Director, or the Designated Staff (who ever contacted by the organizer) to download the Kennedy Auditorium Booking Form and Checklist of the program SOP from the CEC Website. The outsiders shall get the hard copy from the office or may download it from the CEC/University website.
- The Kennedy Auditorium Booking Form A should contain: (B: 1) Name of the Organizer (B: 2) Theme /Title of the conference/program (B: 3) Address/contact number of the organizer (B: 4) Days Auditorium required, Date (s) of the conference/program (B: 5) Agreed to deposit money (amount mentioned) (in case of a prayer for an exemption from Kennedy Auditorium Booking charges) a separate application shall be send by the organizer to Vice Chancellor on their own for approval. And after getting approval the original note sheet or approval shall be attached to this booking form) (B: 6) Name of invited speakers; place, state, country, and CV, shall be attached on a separate sheet/appendix. (B: 7) Expected number of delegates/participants on that particular date(s).(B: 6) Name of other venue (at CEC) if required i.e Lawns, Class rooms etc their dates.(B: 8) In Form B, the organizer shall mention the topic on which speakers will be going to talk in that event, along with the copy of the consent letters of the speakers.
- The PD/ Coordinator/ Deputed Staff of CEC shall send the Booking Form to the competent authority for the approval and simultaneously locked the date(s) in the booking diary. In case of clash in the dates, they shall communicate the unavailability of the venue to the organizer of the event. After the approval received, the checklist and invoice shall be send to the organizer to submit/deposit the Auditorium rental in the cash section of AMU, and submit the duplicate receipt of cash section along with checklist in the office of the coordinator within five working days after receiving the checklist/invoice of the Auditorium Booking. (C: 1) The checklist contains, two columns (i) items available in CEC such as Counter (along with size, dimension, other specifications) Podium(s), sound & lights, Projector(s), Projector Screen(s), Ceremonial Chairs; their numbers, covered/ uncovered, sitting arrangements on sides of stage, number of chairs required, Table signage (their size), Flag Clusters, brass petals, carpets, arrangement for registration, book display, front desk, trophy certificate stands, Tarana platform, Pole bunting Cluster Flags, dustbins, flower vase etc (ii) The column II contains the checklist of the item which organizer shall arrange/provide for the events: Flag Cluster from purchase office, ceremonial Red Carpet(if needed) Tea & snacks if served, crockery, water 150 ml water bottles for the stage & for the audiences. Sitting plan of dais and Kennedy Auditorium for their preference on sitting arrangements on stage and in the KA (number of chairs earmarks for VIPs, Guests, Delegates, Press, Students, Staff, Girls, members of EC, AC. AMU Court etc, Air conditioning: (it requires additional electricity charges), Printed paper slips for the signage, Table folders along with minute to minute program, list of guest sitting on the dais, broacher of the conference., Number of invited persons to whom tea/ snacks shall be served in the VIP lounge before & after the session. Back drops and other banners their sizes, names of the students who shall present University Tarana along with the Music Instructors of CEC, Rehearsal date and time of Tarana and anchors of the event. Approval of class room attendance of Tarana Team on the day of event (if it shall not held on Sunday or any other holiday) other arrangements, with includes tent/enclosures, sitting and serving of food in the CEC lawns etc. Name(s) of contact person(s) in charges and their contact numbers along with the email address(s). The checklist must contains some important numbers for the assistance of the event organizers – names and designation along with the contact numbers of Auditorium Staff, name and contact number of Nazim Sunni Diniyatto depute Qari for the opening of event and likewise name and contact number of conservancy, health officer to depute staff (cleaning and fogging etc). This filled up checklist should reach the CEC office at least 7 working days before the event.
- The PD/ Coordinator immediately reach the Auditorium Staff and hand over the copies of checklist to them and discuss the logistics with them and take signatures of all the concern staff on the receiving copy of the said check list and keep the original in current folder of respective event.
- The PD shall immediately request the Land & Garden staff for the moving of the lawns, cleaning of the water body etc. For the minor repairs and maintenance the Building & Electricity the PD shall inform departments through letters and in-person contact.
- PD again call the various in-charges (mentioned by the organizer in the checklist) two working days before the event, and again go through the inspection drill and revisiting the checklist to ensure no point of concern left untouched.
- A day prior to the event all the items related to KA or provided by the organizer shall be keep in one place. In case that day a event/program is not scheduled in KA then the entire stage setup and sitting arrangement shall be put in place a day before. It shall be supervised by the PD or designated staff. Which includes carpeting of stage (if suggested) placement of podium(s), sound cabling,( two extra cable lines for an emergency use) Sound &light check, placements of projector screens, brass pots, banners of the event, pasting of slips on the chairs etc. And off course fogging shall be done one night prior to the event. On the same night deputed volunteers shall be given briefing about the stage management, hall management by the GSCC/PD/ Coordinator etc. The PD in the program directory shall note their names and contact numbers, and inform organizers about their selection and assignment to the place; i.e. VIP Entry (2 volunteers) ushering guests to VIP lounge (4 volunteers), VIP lounge volunteers (2), Auditorium volunteers (12) VIP/guest sitting (2) , Press (2), Girls Students balcony(4), Stage (4) AV control room (2), Photography (1 volunteer). Total 35 volunteers.
- On the day of the event, at 7:30 am the deputed Safaiwalas starts cleaning drive outside and inside the Auditorium. One person will take care of outskirt of the KA and other starts with cleaning of bathrooms, dustbins, mirrors (shall be properly wipes through paper duster) floor of makeup rooms mopping of corridor, doors, handles, VIP lounge, with dusting, of sofas cushions shall be hand tapped and properly and neetly placed, cleaning of ashtrays, lamps tables, photo frames, curtains etc. Till then the workers doing cleaning job around KA shall join inside worker(s) and briskly finish the cleaning of stage and auditorium seats. The KA attendants shall be engaged to done- up the stage furniture, chairs, counters along with the staff of land & gardens. PD ensure the fresh towels soap and other toiletries shall be placed elegantly.
The cleaning & dusting of podium(s), counters & chairs should be done with clean dusters and cleansing liquid.
- H: Two ceremonial chairs (other than the required numbers) shall be done-up and placed behind the cyclorama for emergency use or last minute entry of added guest(s).
- On stage counter few items are mandatory to be placed for the dignitaries sitting on the dais; spic and span sparkling water tumblers with coaster and cover lids for every person, table signage as per sitting plan submitted by the organizer along with the checklist, small size water bottles, (one extra bottle for each person sitting on the dais shall be keep ready in the pantry) Table folders for every person with few blank pages or writing pad, pen, minute to minute program of the event, title and theme of the conference/seminar, names of the persons sitting on the dais etc. Paper weights, few paper clips, one stapler for three persons, a dish of mouth fresheners one for two persons.
- After the complete preparations, a good fragrance (room fresheners) shall be sprayed in the Auditorium, VIP lounge and in bathrooms 15 minutes before the arrival of the guests.
- (L: 1) The Sound and Projection in-charges with ensure sound and projection setting with the in-house anchors and presenters for hassle free functioning of sound, light & projection equipment. (L: 2) A short rehearsal of Tarana shall also mandatory for the smooth transition and arrangement for final Tarana presentation. (L: 3) Likewise if any sound/video clip is scheduled to play during the event, it should be played well in advance with the same equipment/laptop/gadget. (L: 4) After arranging, recheck and rearrangement of AV equipment, the control room in-charge shall lock the setting on console with minute-to- minute flow chart of the event. (L: 5) If requires a wooden platform shall be kept ready for the speaker with shorter height then the podium.
- The selected acclaimed guest shall be requested to write on the visitors’ book by the deputed staff or PD in the VIP lounge.
- The PD shall look after the following:
(N: 1) The books, souvenirs, pictures that will be released during the function should not rap up in such a manners that would create difficulty during the launching/unveiling ceremony. (N: 2) They will be placed according to flow chart on the display racks. (N: 3) likewise certificates and other things shall be placed as per order on the flow chart. (N: 4) Qari must be present on the stage, PD shall take his contact number incase he move away from stage or sitting below in the audience. (N: 5) The volunteers shall be instructed and rehearsal of their moment during the program shall be orchestrated by PD / Coordinator one day in advance or 30 minutes before the starting of the event.(N:6) As per demand one or two beautiful and sparkling tray(s) shall be placed on the trophy rack to carry the articles.(N: 7) Mementos shall be unwrapped and rechecked for proper fitting, loosening of screws, base etc and also place as per their order of presentation.
- O: The event begins like this:(O: 1) After getting approval and assessment of the presence of around 75% of expected audience, PD shall signal the organizers to move on to stage with the guests. (O: 2) The stage volunteers shall help the guest to locate and occupy their seats on the dais. The other guests shall be requested to take their seats in the auditorium. (O: 3) PD/Coordinator immediately pursue anchor(s) to begin the program. (O: 4) one AV Assistant shall be stationed in the wing near podium to help in adjustment of mike and other gadgets according to height of the speaker and to manage other AV requirement. (O: 5) one or two additional mike shall be ready for any emergency use or failure during the events. (O: 6) The PD orders the closing of VIP corridor gate leading to stage to restrict moment in the corridor.
- The Standard flow chart of the program is as follows:
(P: 1) Anchor introduces the guest sitting on the dais with preamble on the name and theme of the event, and then invites Qari to recite holy verses from the Quran.(P: 2) He/she then invite organizing secretary, chairman or Dean to welcome the guests(P: 3) one guest speaker shall be invited to deliver speech (P: 4) PD shall prepare volunteers for the releasing ceremony of conference souvenir. (P: 5) one AV volunteer shall bring and position Photographer in front of stage for the souvenir releasing photographs. (P: 5) Now it is anchors’ turn to announce the releasing of souvenir, immediately one volunteer along with tray comes in front of the dais his/her partner handed over the souvenir to the guests and smoothly move out to other corner (P: 6) Now anchor invites other guest speaker with brief introduction (P: 7) in case of more than 4 speakers after every set (of two orators) of speakers one book release or other moment shall take place to break monotony. Otherwise after every speaker their should be some off oratory moment in between. (P:8) Mementos shall be given before the vote of thanks. (P: 9) Anchor shall not keep standing on the podium when other person is speaking. He/she moves swiftly to her/his seats after every announcement. Likewise promptly steps in when the speaker signals windup notes of speech.(P: 10) The Tarana team smoothly and silently moves in midway to vote of thanks, and positioned themselves according to their height. (P: 11) Anchor shall announce the presentation of Tarana and afterward request the audience to rise for National Anthem.
- Immediately two or more auditorium attendant shall take charge of stage property, articles mikes, projector shall be removed (if no further session is scheduled in the KA). The programed lights shall be switched off and all winding up work now shall be performed under service lights on stage.
- At least one Safai Wala shall be deputed to look after the cleaning of washrooms before the end of the event. He again cleans up the washroom after the event is over.
- KA Staff shall report to PD about the consumption of eatable items and use of folders etc, remaining items shall be handed over to the organizers.
- Then KA Staff starts moving stage furniture: (T: 1) The cushion covers of Ceremonial chairs shall be removed and keep in a drawer (T: 2) Ceremonial chairs shall be stalked on the designated place one by one. (T: 3) Till that time AV Staff detached all the AV/ Electrical Attachment from the Podium(s) and counter.(T: 4) The projectors shall be wiped with dry cotton cloth or duster before packing them in to their boxes. (T: 5) The Podiums and Counters are also wiped with dry cloth before moving to their designated place and then they shall be kept under the properly stitched covers. (T: 6) In AV control room AV in-charge shall do dry blower and dusting of AV consoles and other gadgets, after shutting down power and before covering and locking the doors. (T: 7) All these SOP shall be designed in a form of checklists. Every person from the respective section shall sign on it with date & time and give it to PD for record.
- Till the locking of last gate of Kennedy Auditorium the presence of the Program Director Cum Auditorium shall be required and it deem mandatory.
- In case of out side agency/ organizers get permission to organize program in the Kennedy Auditorium CEC. The following precautions shall be taken.
- PD calls them for a meeting well in advance (7 working days). Gives them tour of the facility, all doors, seating capacity dos and donts of organizing program at Kennedy Auditorium shall be discussed. Restriction of eating and distribution of food items, drinks and sweets in the Kennedy Auditorium should be highlighted in the meeting, like wise pasting of posters, and panting of slogans in the inside and outside Kennedy Auditorium shall be forbidden for all.
- One day before the event PD/ Coordinator shall inform and assure the presence of substantial proctorial staff on the day of the event.
- Misuse and littering of VIP Room and around the area shall be restricted through opening time of VIP lounge and Green Rooms. If there is chance of over crowding and intension of taking leverage of the facility, they shall be open 15 minutes before the event. Only one washroom shall be kept open for use and other shall be kept reserve for guests and unlock only after they (VIPs) intend to use it.
- The PD should do intense drill with the volunteers (of the organizers), before the event. The crowed management in the outside program shall be given importance.
- The Form –B Organizers shall be given orientation of organizing the event and flowchart of the event should be discussed in details.
- After the event taking possession of the article, furniture, and entire hall is must. The damage done shall be immediately reported and shall be deducted from security money deposited by the Form-B Organizers.
SOP of Kennedy Auditorium AV equipment:
W:1) Maintenance:
Sound Section
1) Sound Mixer Console: –
Dusting, Cleaning, Slide check, Knops Check, Pushing Switch Check, (fader wise).
2) Amplifier:-
Dusting, Cleaning, Knops Check, Supply Section Check, and all amplifiers.
3) Speakers:-
Dusting, Cleaning, HF Driver Check, Crossover Check, Quality Check and all speakers Check.
4) Mike :-
Kit Check
5) All Coupling and mike Cord Check, Shield and Ground.
Stage Lighting Part
1) Lighting Dimmer:-
Cleaning, Dusting, all dimmer parts Check.
2) Lighting Console:-
Cleaning, Dusting, Slide Check, Supply Check.
3) All stage Lights:-
Cleaning, Dusting, Bulbs Holders, Coupler, all Loosing parts Check.
Auditorium Electrical Goods:
1) Fan:-
Cleaning, Dusting, Oiling and Grassing
2) Tube lights:-
Cleaning, Chocks, Tubes, and loosing Parts.
3) Switches: – All Loosing parts Checks.
4) All Electrical Wiring Check.
Projector (35 mm)
Cleaning, Dusting, Oil Lubrication Check, Sound Head Check, Carbon rods check, Reflector Check or salvo Polish cleaning, Lens Cleaning and Polishing, all Belts Loosing Checks, Rectifier Check, All Sprockets check,
(NOTE: – Projector wash only diesel)
X:1) SOP of maintenance of CEC Building, Lawns, Water body etc. by Section In charge:
- The Section In Charge of CEC Office shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of Cultural Block and lawn of CEC.
- He/she shall report the damage/ leaking/ extra growth to coordinator, prepare a complaint and pursue the concern staff and authority to rectify the damage.
- He/she shall take round of the whole campus every 10thday, or 3 rounds per month for the exploration of buildings/ lawns/ water body etc.
- On every month the water body/ water fountains shall be cleaned, the sludge and sloth shall be removed and SE shall ensure proper functioning of fountain nozzles etc.
- He/she shall look after the lawns shall be maintained and nobody would use them for other means i.e for leisurely activities, recreational play of football, cricket etc.
- His/her duty is to look after that the weeds in the lawns, on the walls of the CEC buildings, termite attacks, spider webs shall be remove in time.
Y:1) SOP of cleaning and the maintenance of hygiene in the, clubrooms, washrooms etc. of CEC:
- Each club room/ offices/ coordinators’ chamber corridors, washrooms, Tree Studio, Library, Court area, class rooms, Kennedy Auditorium, Canteen etc shall be clean through dusting, wet mopping in the morning before the resuming of the office.
- One dealing assistant, under the supervision of President ECO Club shall be assigned on turn basis to inspect the cleaning drive and report his/her remark in the register earmark for the purpose. If he/she notices any lacuna the cleaning staff shall have to redo the same. Then the DE shall write satisfactory remark on the said register.
- The washrooms shall be unsoiled with disinfectants, thrice a day i.e. 7:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Likewise the Kennedy Auditorium and CEC Washrooms shall be cleaned by every hour during the show/event in the venue, at least one Safaiwala shall be depute to do cleaning during the event whenever required.
- It shall be the responsibility of DE to maintain dirt free environment of Club Rooms. A Room Freshener shall be sprayed daily in the clubrooms before the resuming of Club activities in the Club Rooms. Likewise the pleasant smell shall be maintained in the bathrooms through automatic perfume dispensers.
- The mirrors in the washrooms shall be swabbed through wet wastage papers/newspapers.
- Dust bins with plastic inner bags shall be place on all the vulnerable places.
- Mosquito repellent shall be fixed in every clubroom and the places where students practice and work during the club hours.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in the clubrooms or any closed area.
- Proper illumination of all dark or poorly illuminated areas shall be done in a proper manner.
- Fans, Windowpanes, exhaust fans shall be maintain on twice a year basis.
- The open and closed drains shall be cleaned every 15 days interval with gushing down good amount of water along with anticoagulant sanitary liquid.
- Every washroom must have liquid soap, soap and electric hand dryer.
- The cleaning tools, buckets, disinfectants, mops etc. shall be stored in separate enclosures/places, not in the washrooms.
- The separate washrooms for boys and girls shall be earmark with proper signs.
- The music rooms and hobbies workshop shall be acoustically treated to keep tab on the noise level in these clubs.
- The inside latch of every club door shall be removed so nobody would bolt the door from inside.
- The lawns and landscaping of Kennedy House shall be design and maintain under the supervision of President/Secretary of Hobbies Workshop.
- The washroom’s metallic, taps and other utensils shall be clean every third day with metal shine liquid or substance.
Z:1 Alumni Affair Board:
Z:A:1: Chairman of the AAB shall be appointed among the senior Presidents, Mentors of the Clubs, one convener and 6-7 members (all from the pool of President & Mentors of CEC Clubs)
Z:A:2: Alumni Affair Board: Roles and Responsibilities
The members of the Alumni Affair Board are expected to:
- Adopt the Alumni Association core values of excellence, lifelong relationships, lifelong learning, inclusiveness and diversity, global connectivity, advocacy, for the Time, Treasure, & Talent of Alumni in to and for the benefit of CEC;
- Participate faithfully and consistently in Alumni Affair Board meetings and functions, regional alumni chapter events and other University Alumni Councils’activities;
- Participate actively in strategic and long range program planning to promote alumni awareness, engagement and commitment to the CEC;
- Enthusiastically communicate the mission and purpose of the CEC and Alumni Association to the wider alumni population;
- Support a strong relationship between the Alumni Association and current students (members of CEC);
- Serve actively on at least one Alumni Council committee;
- Remain constantly informed about the University and the Alumni Association’s mission, services, priorities and programs;
- Recognize fellow alumni who are distinguished by their loyalty, professional achievement and community service;
- Assist current members of CEC and alumni in career planning, placement and transitions;
- Encourage highly qualified and diverse prospective students to join CEC;
- Develop strong working relationships with other Alumni Council/association of AMU;
- Promote the CEC within one’s sphere of influence, whenever the opportunity arises;
- Support the every cause of CEC in fund rising, roping renowned artists/speakers/ thinkers/ designers/developers etc through the support of alumni base in India and abroad;
- Support the CEC through an annual gift commensurate with strong persistence from all possible resources
- To develop and update CEC Alumni Database
- To appoint City In-charge, Country In-charge etc in different cities and countries to manage “Three Ts for CEC.
- To develop and operate Alumni Affair page on different social media sites and on the CEC Website.